Then there’s the twenty odd federal police forces (Even the EPA has one)- Will the Capitol Police enforce a subpoena of the Trump administration’s crooks, and would another federal police agency answer with an armed response? What a literal civil war would look like, in the twenty-first century in the USA, I frankly have no idea. That’s the “upside” prognosis, we could end up a failed state at war with itself for decades…. Politicians and mainstream media outlets like CNN and MSNBC were also named as top influences in America’s unrest. And the costs in blood will be heavy. Trump's refusal to accept that millions of us voted in... Sign if you agree: Congress must condemn and remove members who have aided and abetted white supremacist violence. And it was sudden and unexpected, the Bolshevik Central Committee made the decision to launch a, In similar fashion, I believe one likely spark for the Second American Civil War will be the result of a, Mark Nuckols teaches law and business in Moscow. Likewise, left-leaning foundations and oligarchs will promise financial support. The coming civil war will not have the same outcome of the U.S. Civil War of the 19 th Century. Dad Says Man Busted On Gun Charges In D.C. Not Trump Supporter, Nancy Pelosi to issue VP Pence an ultimatum before moving forward with the impeachment of President Trump, #FreeSpeechMonday and Deplatforming Amerika, Another Top Player in the Conservative Movement Just Dumped Twitter Amid Massive Conservative Purge, Liberal Reporter: 'The New...Authoritarian Liberal-left...Is Going to be Absolutely Ruthless', Trump (Briefly) Got Around His Twitter Ban to Discuss 'Big Announcement'. Watch this clip to hear where they think might be headed. With the elections of Rev. WHAT WOULD CIVIL WAR IN THE US LOOK LIKE TODAY? On January 6, 2021, armed fascists rushed the U.S. Capitol, took over Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office, and attempted to... Sign the petition: Democrats must pass transformative legislation to improve the lives of ALL Americans. Military organization was lacking in the Civil War, fought largely by state militia units further divided by ethnic groups, resulting in rival units from the same town fighting with one another. “A nation divided against itself cannot stand.” Lately, in the United States, we have been experiencing a lot of divisions. A 2018 Rasmussen poll found that nearly a third of Americans believed a civil war was likely to happen in the United States in the next five years. Tensions are increasing and we are hearing the rumor of a civil war. March 1, 2019. He has lived in Eastern Europe for most of the last 20 years, including Russia, Ukraine, Slovenia, and Georgia. So in this post, we are going to talk about how to prepare for the coming civil war. Around 750,000 combatants died in the Civil War, the mortality being the highest on the Confederate side, taking the lives of one in five southern men aged 20-24. And have no doubt, our nation’s enemies are resolute and determined. The next logical step would be identifying any and all possible sources of opposition and interning them and their families in “re-education” camps. This war will not be fought like the American Revolution or the Civil War of 1861-65, where disciplined armies observed the laws of war and respected civilian lives. The US civil war could also create refugees who would seek refuge in Canada or even Mexico. We must stand prepared for all possible threats. Kirstie Alley Claps Back at Big Tech Censorship, The Italian defense contractor switched American votes claim makes no sense, I Support the Democrats' Effort to Impeach President Trump and so Should You, CCPA - Do not sell my personal information, What a Second American Civil War Could Look Like. In similar fashion, I believe one likely spark for the Second American Civil War will be the result of a coup d’etat carried out by anti-America extremists. is provided to you, Democrats Really Are the Worst People on the Planet, The Bolshevik October Revolution of 1917 was carried out by a mere few thousand party members in St. Petersburg. But the warning signs are all there, and they began appearing most visibly when Donald Trump became the Republican nominee for president. The third priority will be a radical redistribution of property. Maybe we’re already in it. Half the country is going to feel like these events are a coup against democrats…. Social scientists put aged, white male evangelical populations in one corner. Many have said that we are now on the verge of another Civil War, with guerrilla attacks by domestic terrorists already targeting religious and minority groups. When their fig leaf of respectability is no longer required, they will get the fate they deserve. He has a JD from Georgetown and an MBA from Dartmouth. But we won't put up a paywall. But their role will be critical, to give coup leaders the guise of “continuity of government” while they seize the critical levers of power. And who knows how would these neighboring countries react. Twitter. You can follow him @MarkLNuckols, Nunes Calls on DOJ, FBI to Launch RICO Investigation Over Parler, is the leading source for conservative news and political commentary and analysis. By Thomas E. Ricks The last civil war had 2 sides and 2 entire different regions the north and the south. The coup plotters will act quickly to seize the critical levers of power, before any opposition has a chance to react. They Squandered It. The borders between the rebel forces and the union would not be clear, with the rebels clearly occupying much of the south and less clearly situated in rural America. But given that disorganization and extended “mopping up” operations and the death toll could rival the Civil War’s… With ten times the population we had at the time of the Civil War, another civil war could take seven our eight million lives. It would destroy the American free-enterprise economy, but short-term it would guarantee the loyal support of all those hoping for a share of the spoils. And PS it won’t be a civil war, when it goes hot it will be along the lines of race and economics, nothing like the Civil War which was a federal vs state issue (control). The Russian Civil War that followed is a horrifying story of savage carnage and obscene violence. This is what first world civil war looks like. An armed citizenry ready and prepared to defend its rights would be an intolerable threat to the regime. The first priority is obvious: the confiscation of all privately owned guns. The shock troops will come from the ranks of Antifa and radical anti-white elements of the Black Lives Matter movement. And jihadists from across the globe will flock to support this coup. The thought of Civil War has been in the minds of many people lately, on both sides of the political and cultural divide. And until recently I would never have believed a second civil war in America to be possible. This war will be waged by far-left radicals and their deep-state puppet masters. Such is the idea of the image, nerving current civic fears by the suggestion that something might be coming, something bad. If a civil war were actually underway it would take the form of hybrid warfare and look much like what can already be observed today. They will naively believe that they will be able to control the revolution and turn it to their own purposes. However, like you, I am a bit perplexed as to how this particular Civil War is supposed to be won. A Rasmussen reports survey found that over 50% of Americans think there will be internal political violence in America. On a holiday first created to remember the massive loss of lives in the Civil War, it’s a good time to put in perspective the enormity of those losses and the detrimental effects another civil war would have on our nation. I have also carefully studied the history of revolutions and civil conflict. Recent events have prompted more than one reader to tell me my dystopian novel Our War (Orbit, August 2019), about a second American civil war, is quickly becoming nonfiction. I think I may have first mentioned it in this post from December 28, 2017, in which… Rifts over politics are nothing new, but it has become a trend to talk of the ultimate worst-case scenario — civil war. What a new U.S. civil war might look like Following an earlier 2017 survey, Foreign Policy’s Best Defense blog opened a poll about the likelihood of a second U.S. Civil War. In 1870 the white population of the south was 25% less than it would have been if the war had not occurred. America’s external enemies will not sit by idly. As a result, the United States may stumble into the kind of regime change operation it carried out in Iraq in 2003 and Libya in 2011—but this time on a much larger scale. Perhaps the best example of how a second American civil war would play out is the rise of ISIS. Then factor in corruption, and just plain disorganization and stupidity… My great great grandfather served in the 28th Wisconsin Infantry Company F which during three plus years of service saw but a couple weeks of combat between postings guarding something or other in Arkansas and occasional forays into Mississippi and Tennessee. Right wingers, nationalists, and fascists are already stockpiling weapons and rehearsing. So our nation was lucky to survive the Civil War, we might not be so lucky next time… So please,  tone down the rhetoric and hatred and work to unite instead of divide! Many Americans will believe their pro-coup propaganda and quietly submit, or at least refrain from overt resistance. A historian noted several likenesses between today and pre-Civil War America, saying President Donald Trump "was onto something" when he touted a similar conflict in … The people of 19 th Century America wanted to preserve the U.S. Constitution. All Rights Reserved. And what will be the agenda of this regime? If a civil war were actually underway it would take the form of hybrid warfare and look much like what can already be observed today. So lets game out a second civil war and it’s long term effects on our nation…. Congressional Democrats Had an Opportunity to Formally Condemn Mob Violence. This war will not be fought like the American Revolution or the Civil War of 1861-65, where disciplined armies observed the laws of war and respected civilian lives. He is the first American politician that strikes fear into the hearts of both the deep state and the radical left. He has a JD from Georgetown and an MBA from Dartmouth. What of the state National Guards? These fascist stormtroopers will be augmented by the even larger numbers of veterans of Occupy and other far-left movements. The new revolutionary government will offer generous terms in return for “foreign assistance” (meaning secret police), and troops if necessary. With reasoning that is beyond belief. And that fear makes them extremely dangerous. The long term economic losses would be even greater- We’re now a mature economy trying to survive and maintain our place in a world with dozens of tough competitors while during the 1800s we were a growing nation with plenty of immigrants to continue that growth after the Civil War. Over the last few weeks a growing number of people have started wondering, "Is it possible the United States is heading for a new civil war?" The actual borders of the Union and Confederacy weren’t real clear either, despite the maps in the history books- Besides Virginia being permanently divided, many highland areas of the south never supported the confederacy, Missouri was split and had both a Union and rump Confederate state governments, and south Florida was under union control for most of the war. The right’s civil war fantasy has roots in a long-held fear that liberal policies will lead to tyranny. When that happens, this civil war will become hot because the Democrats are going to … Sorry to pop bubbles but there can’t and won’t be a civil war. On Sunday, dealing with an impeachment inquiry, Trump sent off 46 tweets and retweets on Twitter, including a quote from Fox News contributor and … He’s convinced that the Left will do just about anything to completely eradicate the history of this great country. Much of the mainstream media will initially be warmly supportive. 241. Donald Trump incited an attack against our country and against us. ), Ways to get involved in the 2020 Election. Even after the Union victory, the Civil War was a lost decade for the south, as besides the lives lost in the military, southerners, especially blacks, migrated away from the south resulting in a massive loss in human capital that hobbled the south for decades. But what I describe here is a plausible scenario. This content was created by a Daily Kos Community member. Today a civil war would leave us an uncompetitive and impoverished nation for decades. China and the European Union will demand we surrender our economic sovereignty and become vassals of Beijing and Brussels. In fact, as late as July 1917 Lenin himself did not expect a communist revolution in his lifetime. Taken from Joe Rogan Experience #1247 with Andy Stumpf: All are ramping-up the rhetoric, pushing the deep political divide within the United States towards a second Civil War. I fear that there is a looming civil war on the horizon. Russia will expect a return of Alaska (and its oil) to the Motherland. Terms under which this service And according to a Newsweek magazine’s poll, a third of all Americans think a civil war could break out within the next five years in the 2020’s. (This content is not subject to review by Daily Kos staff prior to publication. And they will be aided and abetted by the kinds of people Lenin referred to, contemptuously, as useful idiots. Daily Kos moves in solidarity with the Black community. And it was sudden and unexpected, the Bolshevik Central Committee made the decision to launch a coup d’etat only hours before its execution. Iran today has a population of 80 million, more than three times that of Iraq at the beginning of the Iraq war. It will catch most Americans by surprise. You can follow him @. But the real power will be behind the scenes, in the hands of the bureaucrats of the American deep state, who will see such a far-left coup as their best chance to preserve and expand their far-reaching powers, but which President Trump threatens. The continued existence of our great country, the United States of America, will depend on the bravery, strength, resourcefulness, and patriotism of her most loyal citizens. I could see a race war but not civil. The "Second American Civil War" is a term used to describe a potential second civil war in the United States of America (the first being the American Civil War, which took place between 1861 and 1865). Before they consider the facts and understand the criminal, traitorous behavior, this could reach the early stages of a civil war in America by early 2019. In yet another presidential first, this week Donald Trump warned of an impending civil war in the United States—via Twitter, of course. No longer do … How to Prepare for the Coming Civil War Read More » Sign and send a petition to Congress: Impeach, remove, and disqualify Donald Trump from holding future office. The government shutdown is a metaphor for the impossible, irreconcilable differences between two schools of thought. I keep thinking: This is what civil war looks like. Exactly Where and How Did Trump Incite the Mob? Sweden. And which side will state and local police forces choose? Wait...That New Coronavirus Strain Might Not Exist? In the 19 th Century, the U.S. had a more solid and cohesive ideological, social, political, and economic fabric. Divisions are deep and the gulf in trust is wide, but are we headed for civil war? A civil war in the United States might not exactly look like as a typical one, it would rather be a gradual breakdown in a conflict of interest between Urban Globalist and Regional Nationalists It would explain why, in an era obsessed with safe spaces and tolerance, there is little of either left; why no one is safe from offense, nothing is private; why everything is increasingly criminalized. And this survey is not the only one that shows Americans can sense a coming conflict happening in America. The south began the Civil War as an economic powerhouse fueled by slavery, was economically ruined for much of the century, and even today many of it’s states are still economic dependents. Granted, most of those people are writers for sites like Russia Today or the Huffington Post, and thus slightly less credible than a handful of Bazooka Joe gum wrapper comics.But Donald Trump has made a few tinpot dictator-ish statements recently. Mark Nuckols teaches law and business in Moscow. Drunkenness was the order of the day and corruption was rampant, and he was one of the nine out of ten of his company’s casualties that lost his life to disease rather than in combat. This is one of the best analyses I’ve seen to date on what an actual Civil War 2 would look like. The people who want the Second Amendment upheld are the same people being painted as rightwing extremists, potential domestic terrorists and, the most damning smear of all, racists. He has lived in Eastern Europe for most of the last 20 years, including Russia, Ukraine, Slovenia, and Georgia. Civil Memorial created by dyna at 05/26/2019 07:15 PM; Civil Memorial War created by dyna at ... to continue that growth after the Civil War. That’s clearly the case today on the rebel side with dozens and hundreds of rival groups fighting for adherents and control. But most of the liberal media will fall into lockstep, in the belief that as long as they are supportive, the coup leaders will allow them to stay in business. And the Federal Reserve will flood the economy with debased currency. I have been expressing concerns for some time about the potential for a new civil war breaking out in America should something happen to Donald Trump (e.g., impeachment, losing the 2020 election, or otherwise being removed from office). Glenn's favorite historian, Arthur Herman, joined him on radio Thursday and the two theorized what this conflict might look like. We're Going to Be Reminded of That Note on Nancy Pelosi's Desk Post-Storming of the Capitol Building, Quick Compelling Bible Study Vol. Compare the relative strengths of the army and rebel “army”- Even a divided or half MIA military and loyal police forces would ultimately defeat a disorganized “army” of 50+ white guys, who even with ARs and pickup trucks full of ammo aren’t exactly model physical specimens. A few so-called conservatives at The New York Times may meekly protest that while the ends of the revolution are laudable, perhaps the means are a bit too messy. You can see it heading that way in the news every day. Facebook. It’s political, geographical, and cultural analysis is spot on, although its main weakness is that it largely leaves out social class (which is fragmenting both the Red and Blue Tribe) as well as cultural/social cleavages among the Blue Tribe which are growing exponentially. 43: 'A House Divided Against Itself', Oliver Darcy: CNN’s Lobbyist for Censorship, For Those Who Believe, Christ Is Still King, and the King Is with Us, What's Happening to a Public School Teacher Who Attended the D.C. Protest Should Worry Us All, Jonathan Turley Issues a Warning to Democrats About Impeachment 2.0, State Legislator Who Attended Capitol Riot Resigns Following Arrest. There was an even larger black migration north, as the black population in Ohio doubled in the 1860s and tripled in Washington, D.C.. Last year, State Department official Keith Mines said that there was a 60 percent chance the United States would enter a civil war within the next 10 to 15 years. But is a second Civil War really possible? It is not yet inevitable, but all true American patriots must be prepared for the coming battle. Might America be in store for another civil war? Copyright © Media. By Pamela Geller - on October 13, 2019. Not all Democrat politicians will turn traitor, but there will be some prominent establishment “statesmen” who will betray our country. Their objective is simple: overthrow our constitutional order, destroy our way of life, and deprive us of our freedom, our liberties, our property, and our honor. The “command and control” structure isn’t much more decisive on the Union side- Would the military obey Trump’s or the future democratic president’s orders? For them, civilian casualties and massacres will not be moral evils, but merely part and parcel of their larger plan to “reconstruct” America. At least, that’s what Rush Limbaugh once said. And, of course, the United Nations will offer to send in the “blue helmets” to “restore civil order.” North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, and Iran will all also want in on the spoils in return for “technical support.”. Expect a Treaty of San Antonio whereby Mexico “recovers her historic territories” of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and southern California. The faculties at Harvard, Yale, and Princeton will pass resolutions of fervent support, and their brainwashed students will rush to enlist in the revolution before all the excitement passes. ... Social media giants like Facebook and Twitter have blocked and shadow-banned our accounts. The Civil War II has already arrived! To see the mess which civil war creates you need to look no further than Syria. The Bolshevik October Revolution of 1917 was carried out by a mere few thousand party members in St. Petersburg. America's Second Civil War Has Already Begun. I have spent many years in countries that have suffered civil war and its horrors, such as Russia (including Chechnya), Syria, Lebanon, Croatia, Bosnia, and Kosovo. I do not wish to be alarmist. Their own purposes north and the European Union will demand we surrender our economic sovereignty and become of! Critical levers of power, before any opposition has a JD from Georgetown and an MBA from Dartmouth:. Trend to talk about how to prepare for the coming civil war the. Economic sovereignty and become vassals of Beijing and Brussels be headed is wide, but all true American must! See a race war but not civil the deep political divide within the States—via. Prominent establishment “ statesmen ” who will betray our country Community member would play out is first! Worst-Case scenario — civil war in America he is the idea of the last 20 years including! The ranks of Antifa and radical anti-white elements of the south will promise financial support we hearing... 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