There is no specific language regarding refunds, but they have sent him a flurry of emails promising to work on the manuscript or to pay him back in installments. Any information on Eliezer Tristan Publishing? I was called today by Amanda Gray of Gold Touch Press. I have received an offer from Belle Isle publishing, the co-op branch of Brandylane Publishing. Let me know how you do. See if there are any reviews and check out the quality of the covers they design — that tends to be a dead giveaway. Storyline is good..but it's just hard to read and follow. I’ve contacted a few authors who have used them but would like more input. Legit scam. After reading comments on the Better Business Bureau, Quora, and a bunch of other reviews out there, I decided not to go with Page Publishing. My husband is excited about being contacted by them, they say he only has to pay 30% which is about $2500, and they will cover the other 70%. They seem to have published only a single book a year in the past few years, all of which have, frankly, terrible covers and very few user reviews on Amazon. But before you sign on the dotted line, stop for a second and ask yourself and look at what they’re offering. And if you still don't hear back, hire an IP attorney to try to get the rights back. I thought I was paying for everything up to publishing stage. Excellent information. Our reviews are meant to be unbiased, 3rd party reviews. Is the company covenant house a reputable publishing company. i was about to deposit 5000usd but i stopped. Publishing on Scribd: The Complete Scribd Review for Authors. As you put it, the "demands" not "inquiry" or "question" is why we parted ways with you. Stay away from them. Hi. Know any good inexpensive and real self-publishing websites that also help with marketing for me to republish with? They're a very well known vanity press — and not one we'd suggest you pursue. – Posted on Aug 21, 2019. We declined permission to publish the reviews and explained that the journal operates a confidential single blind review process. just out of curiosity . Let me know if you have any questions :) — Martin. Hi wanted to know what you think of new book authors. I am trying to research them and cannot find any reviews. Companies who send unsolicited emails about their services (especially review services) and who don't have a website are most probably scams, yes. There is a fee. We're dedicated to helping authors build their writing careers. I do not know where to go with this since it seems there are so many scams. Does anyone have any experience with Covenant Books? All this for a charge of $800 plus my travel expenses. . It's tough to know which company you're talking about, as there seem to be a lot of publishing companies with "Mulberry" in their name. Can you recommend Mulberry Books Publishing House? Ok thank you. Convenant publishing company is an hybrid company. Still a scam? As a rule of thumb, a small press can be considered legit if: Obnoxious pop-up moved to inoffensive sidebar. They also operate under alternate business names such as I-Proclaim Books, Red Lead Press, Rose Dog Books, and Whitmore Publishing Company.. Dorrance has often been called a vanity publisher. New Reader is a scam. Independent publishing Company President of Company is Avi Gvili. Yesterday I got a call from FolioAvenue, a small company offering a literary agent who will work to have my book accepted by a larger more influential publisher than my current Balboa. I don't know why but I don't like their sales team. I didn't agreed to anything and had several red flags in our phone conversations. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. In short, they really care about the authors they work with and the books that are published. If you're going to spend $5k, hire a really good editor, a really good proofreader, a top cover designer, and publish the book yourself. I would be very cautious of any company that contacts you unsolicited — there are plenty of bad-faith presses out there who are looking to snatch up author's old books and hold on to them. and this is just not true. approved for publishing." I haven't found them on one of the links you provided, but will keep digging for more info. Author submits a review via an invitation on his/her dashboard within the ACS Paragon Plus Environment. Not to be confused. I've seen a company, 48 hours books? Contacted Covenant Books to have my book reviewed free as they claimed. What about Kary Oberbrunner's Author Elite Academy? They contacted me via email. I DID go with Balboa and it was a horrific mistake. Hi Mary, we weren't familiar with them until now. If anyone has had experience using this publisher, Hello! I even asked her if this was a scam and she gave me the name and phone number of another Lady .I then told her because she did that I was impressed and trusted her. Do you know anything about Gold Touch Press in NYC? what is your view about "Author's Ink" . Publish Your Book Publishing Made Easy. can you tell me if new reader magazine is legit? This week I was contacted by Atlantic Publishing Group and had a discussion with them. There has to be a catch somewhere, but where? Also, thanks for saving me from spending more than needed. It is expensive but promises to give royalty's to the author. "So it's either I pay for everything upfront and I keep all royalties, or I try to get a publisher who'll give me an advance but then take almost all my rights?" To make matters worse , I was referred by the Editor in Chief of Prodigy Gold Books as an Evil Witch because I demanded to know what was going on . We can make ads or create trailers that will skyrocket your sales!") Thank you for saving me my money & my sanity! Have you heard any reviews for freeauthorinfo. I baled. The catch here is that the author will be expected to pay for the cost of the physical prize. Pitch your book to agents and publishers with a perfectly formatted manuscript. So, I'd be very careful. Linda Wells. I've checked their website and it seems to pass the initial smell test. Also what about Xlibris? . Raise their fixed income, i.e. The publishing world has its fair share of scammers and disreputable companies. I am going to research this information. I looked them up BBB and google complaints and haven’t seen anything negative and a a little positive. I got a call from Authors Press last night. Either way, it's not an amazing royalty for an author who's footing the cost of production. I have reviewed their website and looks good. Take this 1-minute quiz to find out whether you're better-suited for self-publishing or traditional publishing. So, looks to me that they are asking for a WHOLE lot more than even their original ask. Self-Publishing Review has been a leading name in self-publishing services and author advocacy since 2008. A lot of their focus is on selling marketing service ("Is your book not selling? Wish this 1st time author had known all this before being r***d by a vanity publisher who over-price my book's retail by 3x!!! I love it!...But then the comment space slid up out from under my fingers and a pop-up jiggled at me. I am currently working on a book, and I was found a publisher she seems nice but her contract is 3 years at a time... it stats that she can republish etc. I’ve seen several vanity publishers that were either rip offs or scammers who went out of business. Is Mulberry Books a reputable company? They have approached me regarding the republishing of my current book. Having your book displayed in a random stand there is not going to sell a single copy, because readers don't go to book fairs. You can also copy and paste the article into the body of the email. They don't call themselves a "publisher", they clearly identify as "assisted self-publishing", or "author services" companies, and they don't try to upsell you a bunch of marketing services afterwards (nor do they take any royalties on the book). That puts me on the fence about this company. I saw an ad on Facebook for the Christian T.V. For one thing, traditional publishers take ALL RIGHTS for the life of your copyright in exchange for whatever they offer the author. What is your review of self publishing school? Authors are requested to include a brief biography. I believe that Gold Touch was mentioned in the Writer Beware post we linked to in this post. I was lulled in by AuthorHouse and fell victim to their scams. I should have said, though I was disappointed in the infographic (you failed to list indie publishing in the comparison and omitted some valuable information re tradpubs), overall I found the article useful enough to reference on my own blog. Encourage others to kill their pop-ups too. Think, folks. I believe this may be a scam artist. They operate in a similar model as the one we described above for vanity publishers (i.e. Amazon launched Kindle Direct Publishing back in 2007 in beta form and pitched it initially to ‘publishers’ via marketing emails. For example, they might only pay their editor $600 and then mark up the "editing costs" to $3,000 — so you could pay more than 100% of the actual costs without knowing it. My gut says it’s not Legit. And, in a couple of incidences I told the company I will not be harassed or intimidated to publish when I felt the manuscript was not completed to my liking, Thanks for such invaluable information. Most of the time, I say, "Thanks but no thanks." I have always believed . Is anyone familiar with Covenant Publishing? My dads thinking of publishing with covenant, one more thing! I believe that with a bit of research and motivation, you could learn everything he's teaching on your own. Has that been rated? Do I remove bits I wrote during this process? Has anyone heard of Parchment Global Publishing-they want me to pay to have a radio interview with Al Cole of CBS Radio? I'm glad I investigated first. I won! I kept reiterating it wasn’t about there necessarily being shared costs, but rather that they were never upfront with me about sharing costs and none of that was delineated in the contract. More about it here:, This information really helped me. Gone are the days when self-publishing was regarded with skepticism — now that the world of books is abounding with self-publishing success stories, there is no longer any doubt that indie authors are just as able to make a splash with their books as traditionally published ones. It was really hard to read. His sidekick Laura Freestone is just as bad .Vety unprofessional to say the least. I thought they were reputable but now I'm not very sure:(. For an indie author trying to draw attention to her recently published or soon-to-be-published book, reviews are hugely beneficial. Do you have a view on UNITED PC Publishing company, a subsidiary of NOVA? They will happily work on titles they believe won’t sell. And I've found their customer service team to be pretty knowledgeable whenever I had to call or e-mail. Getting involved with ETP is easily one of the biggest mistakes I've made and i'm consulting a lawyer about taking charges against them. Their end customer is the author who’s willing to pay for services like editing and design. She asked me to give her submissions of some of my writing I copied and pasted them into a email to her. And for distribution, if you want to do it without fuss, you can use a distribution service like Draft2Digital — which charges nothing upfront, but will take 10% of retail price. Every author or speaker who needs to get their message out should use traditional publishing with random house who takes over your book rights and pays out a meager 8.25% of every sale? Submit your fiction, non-fiction, and poetry to the best publishers available. Sent in my children's book, WOW--TO A CHILD CHRIST RETURNED--to Covenant for review. If they claim to be publishers, they may be benefitting from having a similar name to Pearson, which is a major publishing group. What can you tell me about Outskirts Press. Read Wiley’s Top 10 Publishing Ethics Tips for Authors and Wiley’s Publication Ethics Guidelines. But remember, there is not much money, if any at all, to be made in the book publishing if you are a new author unless you are a celebrity or famous person in which case you go to traditional publishing. He has not, so far. The whole thing. So as I said, the main point of my article is to raise the issue that Amazon are treating self published authors unfairly when it comes to book reviews, so for this reason I believe the article is valid. I am trying to find out if Self Publishing School would be a good fit for me? So what is Author Academy? They seek out the mentally ill/unstable on social medias with false promises of helping people get their stories out there and published for the world to see. If they want to buy my book, they can look it up on any number of places and order it themselves. In our opinion, Vanity Publishers are a bad choice in 99% of the cases *if you want your book to sell*. any feed back. Article Types. - a lot of their "marketing" services, though not crazy expensive, seem quite useless. But you will have to do the marketing yourself which can be quite time consuming and expensive. There’s no fee for publishing and they don’t require me to buy any books. Thanks Reedy for this information. Do keep in mind that if you have to pay to receive the award, or enter the final round, or anything like that, your money is probably best invested somewhere else. hi about rightpublications ... i dont know if they're scam or not.. Great info. From what I gather, Book Baby is pretty good. Try to get editing done before submission. Again, thank you for your attention. Even though readers have discovered how awesome many self-published books are, the book publishing industry doesn’t just hand out free professional book reviews to self-published authors. Is Parchment Global Publishing a vetted and reliable company please? Can't see any reviews, but it looks like they're the "hybrid" wing of CrossLink Publishing. Some contests will publish winning entries in a magazine or an anthology — which is great. When I pointed out one of her errors, she tried to pass it off by saying: 'that typo was deliberate, put there to test you, and you've passed the test,' followed by more errors! What about Rushmore Press? I want to publish an inspirational/spiritual book. There are also some competitions in which the prize might be a trophy. The result was a beautifully printed and formatted book, complete with illustrations and innovative layouts. Learn how Reedsy can help you craft a beautiful book. Someone contacted my sisters and me about his appreciation for 1950s science fiction, and wanted to know if we would let him be the literary agent for my father's novels. All book proposals at Emerald go through a rigorous (single, blind) peer review process – this means you won’t know the name of the reviewer, but they will be aware of your identity. Thanks. I appreciate you looking out for writers but this is biased nonsense. I have been contacted by Authors Press wanting me to attend a book fair in Arizona and they want to put my novel on the shelf at their bookstore. I just received an email from Indie Author Project stating that "Last summer, we launched a pilot project with OverDrive where we took 50 curated indie titles from our program and put them into an indie author collection that libraries could opt into for free. Wondering which path is the best fit for your skills, ambitions, and book? Become a member today to discover how we can help you publish a beautiful book. I didn't even submit my materials to them yet but they said that the book was "chosen" to be featured. Can you help? Whats your opinion of Trilogy Publishing. Hi there and thankyou for the advice. What about halo publishing International? They do do good job for their authors, and if you know nothing about book marketing they could be the right option for you. It looks like Writer Beware has identified in their post as one to avoid (see the section above about The Filipino Publishing Scam Network). Now get lots of calls to republish, etc. It will be bookmarked and studied. In another article, we presented academics new to publishing with some suggestions regarding how to begin their publication record in the humanities.Here, we will devote more attention to the book review since it is relatively easy to accomplish and an established form of academic publishing that can be added to the publications section of your CV. He states a book scout found my book and they would like to put me on CBS News Radio with Al Cole. Don't fall for his nonsense. I also plan to pay to advertise this page for as long as it takes to get the word out. Every time you encounter a hybrid publisher, you should be asking the following questions: To learn more about what constitutes a reputable hybrid publisher, check out these criteria set out by the Independent Book Publishers Association. They’re also where you want to go if you have any questions about a service. After the book was published they kept calling me to spend more money on advertising at book fairs which I know is a total scam. Thanks George. Are you suspicious of a certain company? Check with fellow authors. A friend of mine published his first book on their site. Stay miles away from this company. It’s written in a pleasant conversational style and well-organized into chapters that overview and detail each step of the submission process. to get featured in New York Times. Writers should be supported –– not charged money for the chance to get published. Most hybrid publishers will advertise a 50% split on both costs and royalties. > Understanding Publishing You can self-publish through Amazon and it won't cost you a dime. Sent in my children's book, WOW--TO A CHILD CHRIST RETURNED--for review. Was so disappointed the review was nothing more than "it's been In short, read the fine print. Find the perfect editor for your book. Do you have any input on Mango Publishing? McNaughtonBooks, are they someone good to publish with. They said investors are paying for my interview with AL Cole and I have to pay for the air time. We’ve been excited to make this announcement, and make major strides towards a more open publication process, since last fall when we signed ASAPbio’s open letter committing to transparent peer review options. A sidekick is nothing disrespectful and no one has a problem with me ,here .You had 12 months to decide to publish my work but came at the 11th hour requesting that I rewrite my entire book . Thanks. There are new companies offering these kind of "marketing packages" popping up every day. The Dillydoun Review is a brand new online journal of fiction (including flash), poetry (including prose poetry), creative nonfiction, articles, essays, interviews, and reviews. He said that tomorrow will be late. Yes, there are a lot of predators working in the publishing field, but they’re nothing to lose sleep over. They will publish my book, and want me to sign a 3 year contract, but they want me to buy 45 books at 30 % discount, which raises my flag. To submit, send an email to Despite multiple calls and letters, they continued to bill my account for months until my credit card company issued a stop payment. approved for publishing." Have any of you worked with them from this side of the aisle? That’s not the same as it being actively sold into stores. They have people that are just sales people and not professional. But if you simply must have one, don’t pay more than you need to. If you have experience with this company or their products, please leave your Page Publishing reviews below. We're dedicated to helping authors build their writing careers. - they don't solicit you in the first place Please let me know if you've heard of these type of interviews and their formalities. That publisher is based in NY. It's your money you need to be worried about. I am not enough published with them. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for The Authors Publish Guide to Manuscript Submission at Reference to a spot at the LA book expo. I don't plan to click on the link because I never do that if I'm not certain of where it will take me. Thank you for sharing your experience about Author House, though, it corroborates the experience of many other writers we've heard of. To be fair, they pulled one on my agent too. It seems like it would cost me the same or more to do it all individually!- thanks much. They look like they submit short films to festivals. We're hearing a lot of 'book fair' offers — but if you've been contacted out of the blue, then chances are they're looking to make money off of you. If they contact you directly, they're almost certainly a vanity press. Johny, I recently was a victim of author house's rip-off. She even provided a contract and provided for a payment plan in which she took my money. Thanks. They are non-profit organization, and a lot of donors and foundations are listed on their website including National Endowement for the Arts and New York State Council on the Arts. However, recently, RUSHMORE PRESS has bombarded me with phone calls from a number that is 800 (Service) which is an instant "red flag" for me. Our weekly email magazine features the best publishers, writing advice, prompts, and more. Because they’ve NEVER done it before. Thanks :-). They created it in partnership with Author Solutions, who are some of the most egregious players in vanity publishing. They approached me about my book I published with Tate. Thanks. What is one to do? My manuscripts are ready for print. When he got it he was shocked. Even though I read mixed reviews about hybrid publishers, Page Publishing seemed like a good place to start. My novel "Reflection of Memories" has been doing well . There isn't a lot of info available on their website as to pricing, so I can't give a definite opinion. $3700 just seems a bit high to me for the quality of work, not to mention how they treat their customers. I can't see what they're charging, but I suspect they're not cheap. So long as you’re careful and approach opportunities with a critical eye, you will find no problem navigating around the sharks in this business. His claims don't seem to pan out. A quick search will at least show you the company’s website and examples of the previous work. One supporting member of my web site gets vertigo, and sometimes nausea. I agree with B. Fagan the info is very enlightening and informative. Just curious as to what their standing is, in the self-publishing community. Looks like they are a member of the IPG and partner member of ALLi, which vouches for them. Lulu has the right tools for authors, publishers, and businesses to fulfill all your book printing needs. However, some of them are actually reputable and known for providing quality services at reasonable fees and offering solid advice and handholding through the process. Classic virtue signaling. We expect our authors to be kind and respectful, but as demonstrated above by you calling Laura (a woman that has zero to do with the parting) a sidekick is plain disrespectful. What’s your opinion of Rushmore Press? There will always be snakes in the grass. And sure, you'll have to learn all these things, but no one said that becoming a full-time author would be easy! If you are submitting a full article you can attach the article as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf file. Learn more about document templates here. That said, it all depends what their publishing process is like (do they involve professional editors to review your book, pay a cover designer, etc. They are a hybrid publisher, but i cannot find their cost structure. How would you classify Savio Republic publishing through Post Hill Press? Has anyone had experience with Author Publishing house or Empire Publishing? I want to know have anyone heard about this company. Do you know anything about Aladdin publishing? IMO BookBaby is reputable. My publicist is with Gold Touch Press. You 've heard of Sydney Dewitt of House of literary what and selling are the preferred format online.... Body of an unwritten article in the post: * * * * * *...: //, what their business model is can order it themselves what you need to publish peer! List some of them have few-to-no reviews by Hay House, as is the company should pay you or paid... Cover all services ; however, it 's good, but not to! Good publishing company but they seem to be avoided we described above for vanity publishers plus.... Or more to do, though i do not know where to go if you one... Actually have Amazon reviews, book marketing efforts tend to cold-call of activity to authors who have some in... 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