It also discusses how data can be summarized and analysed for drawing statistical inferences. The same has been approved as it is by the Academic Council on 13.7.2015 and Executive Council on 14.7.2015. Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) for 3rd Semester Plus 3 Arts ( Regular) Curriculum under CBCS A student has to choose any one course ( 2 Credit) out of the following four courses prescribed for the 3rd Semester of the +3 Arts (Regular) Curriculum under CBCS. 1. r���D��x����S]�Rf^�U���.�'�-��*dg��B�b�^��x��d���������,Y���RU͛��=�H��@"��{�Liv�"Ab�[�8CRg���q����7v���%q��J�nڊ?��H҂I�l�I_c�w�-G�#z�����#�W�>�*���W�V�E���ޣ:{(Ol�S�"�UeB�%��3K�*��&3S�,����=�(�]+�E�H�MF� ����t.�(!�&��z��6/�7#��w�驏�*t��UZ�4y��*-�8\�TS ��J٠�m��:���Pӣj���Y�O�q. (H) Mathematics/ B.Sc. <>
Skill Enhancement Course-2 Medical Diagnostics or Aquarium Fish Keeping 2 Skill Enhancement Course (Skill Based) (4 Papers) 4 X 4=16 4 X 4=16 �}�?�����>�aܓ�[IYʴ��,iW6ݘ����|�~��E�P�J��B���9C���uޑ��/��y���K� U.G. This paper will be taught under Skill Enhancement Compulsory Course (SECC). Visual Art and Textile Crafts and 6 Costumes 3. ", Click here for "Environmental Studies Syllabus", Click here for "SEC(Skill Enhancement Course) for UG CBCS under the Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences", "Skill Enhancement Course(SEC-1) Papers under the Faculty of Science, OU for B.Sc. 1. �.Y�G]�.��k�y�]��l���a%:v�0�K��Ң�7�!��Q1�K��.r�D�o� X�%&E})� �6�(�_�2]��mC�87�*�Z�����6�5������wnK�squ03��cgSw�M������?�����������'��x���6����K�:�h�ϗ�R Click here for "Environmental Studies Syllabus" Click here for "SEC(Skill Enhancement Course) for UG CBCS under the Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences" "Skill Enhancement Course(SEC-1) Papers under the Faculty of Science, OU for B.Sc. 2 Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) Each course will be of 100 Marks. Core Courses CC [Fourteen courses. SYLLABUS OF COURSES TO BE OFFERED Skill Enhancement Course Papers for B.Sc. <>>>
2. (Prog) Disclaimer: The CBCS syllabus is uploaded as given by the Faculty concerned to the Academic Council. (H) Mathematics/ B.Sc. Vikas – Life Skill Manual in Kannada endobj
Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) and . Attendance: 10 marks Paper, Internal Assessment: 10 marks per per paper. Course Outline: 1. Ability Enhancement Compulsory (2 Papers) Environmental Science English/MIL Communication 2 X 4=8 2 X 4=8 2. Page 1. Syllabus. The programme also includes two compulsory Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC). Communicative English 2 (50 marks) 0 2 Generic/ General Electives (GE) ANY ONE PAPER 1. x��][��6�~7�����]XE��� �cO.���qz�m�`�=>���X�IT�Uu#H6A:=�b�H~,�E������/�����/�ꫯ��_�(�~���߈B��R��wO���2����˪VE[5����O�T�{����7���>S�s�k�G���B���.^���+c�3�.DS�:1��TY5c��l�._]��Vn���}&�͇���a���?N�>�0"��J�nO���\��.e��Ú��e�K�j�eU}-�Zb�� ## The Table presents the syllabus of DSC1/DSE1/SEC1 of the Programme course in Education. Course: Information Technology with effect from the academic year 2017 – 2018 . 1. TIME: 3 HOURS END SEMESTER: 80 TIME: 1 HOUR MID SEMESTER: 20. 6 Generic Elective (GE). HEY GUYS !!! (Prog)/ B.A. 2 Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) Each course will be of 100 Marks. The Aryabhatta College, University of Delhi is organizing various Skill Enhancement Courses in order to ensure an uninterrupted flow of education and learning. Syllabus. Skill Enhancement Course (Skill Based) (4 Papers) 4 X 4=16 4 X 4=16 Table 1: The Course distribution of Honours Course ݪ�3�۲Q��4���O��o��Ўz��caQ�r5Ӊ�)f Several types of resilience interventions are explored including cognitive strategies; strategies to manage anxiety and increase positive emotions such as gratitude; and a critical relationship enhancement skill. Programme: B.Sc. endobj
(Accounting, Sales Promotion & Sales Mgt. Elements of Textile Design 4 (50 marks) 2 (30 marks)+ (Sessional -20marks Which includes Attendance -10marks Class Test or Assignment -10 marks) 2. Elements of Textile Design 4 (50 marks) 2 (30 marks)+ (Sessional -20marks Which includes Attendance -10marks Class Test or Assignment -10 marks) 2. Skill Enhancement Course (SEC)‐I Skill Enhancement Course (SEC)‐II ... macroeconomic theory, statistics and econometrics set out in this Syllabus. FULL MARKS: 100. stream
… Core Course: A course, which should compulsorily be studied by a candidate as a core requirement is termed as a Core course. ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES (AECC I) SEMESTER – I. 2 0 obj
SEC-3 Skill Enhancement Course Democratic Awareness Through Legal Literacy 4 100 (Th.=70 IA=30) SEC-4 POLS 304 SEC-4 Skill Enhancement Course Conflict and Peace Building 4 100 (Th.=70 IA=30) DSE-2A Discipline Specific Elective - 6 100 (Th.=70 IA=30) DSE-2B Discipline Specific Elective - 6 100 (Th.=70 IA=30) GE-I POLS 305 Munger University Syllabus 2020: The University offers various courses like B.A, B.COM, B.SC, and other vocational courses. The University Grants Commission has made it compulsory for students to earn two credits from a Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) … Teaching time: 6x14 = 84 hrs ���㌂s-�M�Qk�X:��պl�fx s��HJ��w/ϒ;k��Ĝ`v��Ez�a϶��1����k5ښ�FG>2�>33��[YmL�d�n��h�V�l|�?ب�6�σ z�{�h (S EC-3) Skill Enhancement Course-III (F OR ALL SCIENCE FACULTY DEPARTMENTS) VERBAL REASONING FOR APTITUDE TEST Credits: 2 Theory: 2 hours/week Marks -50 Unit – I NUMBERS AND DIAGRAMS 1.1Series Completion: Number series, Alphabet Series 1.2Series Completion: Alpha Numeric Series, Continuous Pattern Series 1.3 Logical Venn Diagrams o�Rȥ^�뮬� ��]�5���
-)�W�6�N5E�@�ŭ��j��5�y�����[�6���~�|U�xzh�$ׯ7��↡�0(�ժ����a,*�W����f��Cp���ثG�s |[4c4�6�0P'L'�:3�T���H��O&�S���s@�e� ��?Ĥ|]�e'��};��}3K��B
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>�ݡ9�&�Ƴs�p^�0;�j+!��;n��=t��I��)���n�Aĵ�s�A���e��c� ���X�E�DH#���S*p��a�hv+�"WI�\:K,��"1��h��lڇ^��+Ff�0�̵� ContentsMunger University Course wise Syllabus 2020B.A English […] Throughout the course, you will hear examples of individuals using resilience skills in their personal and professional lives. Ability/Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) 1. Each course: 6 credits (5 theoretical segments TH+ 1 for tutorial related segment TU). Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses (AECC) 2 2×2 = 04 2 × 2=04 Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) 2 2×2 = 04 2 × 2=04 Total 26 140 140 *Tutorials of 1 Credit will be conducted in case there is no practical component 1.2 Computation of work-load per week Type of Course Credit Duration of Periods course has Total Credits = 148, Total Marks = 2600. ", "Skill Enhancement Course(SEC-2) Papers under the Faculty of Science, OU for B.Sc. Ability Enhancement Courses 1. Textile Crafts and 6 Costumes 3. The Aryabhatta College, University of Delhi is organizing various Skill Enhancement Courses in order to ensure an uninterrupted flow of education and learning. Final Year SEMESTER -VI (F OR ALL SCIENCE FACULTY DEPARTMENTS) QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE TEST Credits: 2 Theory: 2 hours/week Marks -40 Unit – I ARITHMETICAL ABILITY 1.1 Arithmetical Ability: Ratio & Proportion 1.2 Arithmetical Ability: Time & Work, Time & Distance Generic Elective Course II (b) - India and Indian Ocean Economy c, 1500-1800 Generic Elective Course IV (b) - Global Political Economy Skill Enhancement Course (Hons.) History of Odisha UNIT I : Religion and cults of Odisha 1. The University Grants Commission has made it compulsory for students to earn two credits from a Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) … Mahima Dharma 2. Programme: B.Sc. Core Courses CC [Fourteen courses. Communicative English 2 (50 marks) 0 2 Generic/ General Electives (GE) ANY ONE PAPER 1. Elective Course Practical / Tutorials* (6 Practical / Tutorials*) Two Papers from each discipline of choice 6 X 2=12 6X1=6 III. Students have the option to select their subjects from a wide array of subjects on offer. Elective Course Practical / Tutorials* (6 Practical / Tutorials*) Two Papers from each discipline of choice 6 X 2=12 6X1=6 III. The students will be introduced to important data sources that are available and will also be trained in the use of free statistical software to analyse data. First Year Syllabus; Second Year Syllabus; Third Year Syllabus; Course Outcome; Nagari Sanad; Academic Calender; Annual Reports; Sanctioned Post of Teaching Staff; Sanctioned Post of Non-Teaching Staff; Skill Enhancement Course; BOS; Paper Assessment; Paper Setting; Research. This paper will be taught under Skill Enhancement Compulsory Course (SECC). ". Each course carries 80 marks. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC): The Ability Enhancement (AE) Courses may be of two kinds: Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses (AECC) and Skill Enhancement … N.B:- Arts (Hons.) Fund Received; Faculty. Syllabus. HONOURS IN PHYSICS Approved by the Board of Studies in Physics held on March 13 and 28, 2017 . Syllabus for S.Y.B.Sc. Skill Enhancement Course-1 & Skill Enhancement Course-2 to be offered from STATISTICS Odd Semester STSSSEC01M : Statistical Data Analysis Using C-programming and Software Packages Even Semester STSSSEC02M : Computation using R ContentsMunger University Course wise Syllabus 2020B.A English […] The details of the course divisions along with the subjects are given below. Fund Received; Faculty. Ability/Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) 1. Skill Enhancement Course -1/Ability Enhancement Elective Course-1 SEC-1/AEEC-1 2 Generic Elective -3 GE-3 4/5 - SEC IV Contemporary Economic Issues %����
(Prog) Disclaimer: The CBCS syllabus is uploaded as given by the Faculty concerned to the Academic Council. ## The Table presents the syllabus of DSC1/DSE1/SEC1 of the Programme course in Education. Attendance: 10 marks Paper, Internal Assessment: 10 marks per per paper. Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) for Semester 3rd and 4th: These are skill enhance course subjects. SEC subjects are applicable 3rd semester onward in Ignou BAG Syllabus. This book on English aims to engage the students more creatively to improve their English language and communication skills. HEY GUYS !!! Ability Enhancement Courses 1. Skill Enhancement Course UGHN.120 or UGHN.121 Catering management 4 Policy program and interventions 4 Credits of fifth Semester 16 SIXTH Semester Compulsory Core Papers UGHN.122 Dietetic techniques and patient counselling 3+1 UGHN.123 Nutrition and Health of Women 4 UGHN.124 Economics of Food 4 Skill Enhancement Courses UGHN.125 or Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses (AECC) 2 2×2 = 04 2 × 2=04 Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) 2 2×2 = 04 2 × 2=04 Total 26 140 140 *Tutorials of 1 Credit will be conducted in case there is no practical component 1.2 Computation of work-load per week Type of Course Credit Duration of Periods The course curriculum for undergraduate studies under choice based credit system (CBCS) for B.Sc. Curriculum and Syllabus for B.Sc PHYSICS – R 2017 Research Methodology 33 Skill Enhancement Course IV Essentials of Electricity 04 34 Discipline Specific Course Core Practical VII: Physics 02 Discipline Specific Course Fund Received; Faculty. Syllabus. !!! 2. The same Each course carries 80 marks. Skill Enhancement Course (SEC)‐I Skill Enhancement Course (SEC)‐II ... macroeconomic theory, statistics and econometrics set out in this Syllabus. student has to opt two different subjects as GE-A and GE-B other than core subject. This paper will be taught under Skill Enhancement Compulsory Course (SECC). �e����z��igW��j�Z�կ#�y��l�]m|�R�E*��9�j��^��M=դw��;����.�:U����~��:�ض���W�I� The same History of Odisha UNIT I : Religion and cults of Odisha 1. SPPU, Psychology Syllabus SYBA (CBCS Pattern) From AY 2020-21 Page 10 SEC-2A: Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) – (2 Credits) Notes: 1. SCHEME AND SYLLABUS FOR CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEM FOR B.Sc. 3 0 obj
1 0 obj
Total: 84 credits. courses under the domains of Ability Enhancement, Skill Enhancement and General electives. Syllabus For B.Sc. Ability Enhancement Compulsory (2 Papers) Environmental Science English/MIL Communication 2 X 4=8 2 X 4=8 2. Abbr. IGNOU BA History Fees, Eligibility and Duration. ), SEC-I (Skill Enhancement Course - I) for all B.Com Courses except B.Com(Hons), SEC-I (Entrepreneur Development and Business Ethics) for B.Com(Hons) Course, "Skill Enhancement Course(SEC-2) to be offered to B.Com students of all streams except B.Com (Hons). Mahima Dharma 2. In view of the COVID 19 pandemic and the increased importance of developing employability skills, the Add-On Courses Cell is launching the following courses in Online Mode. v ���d�n�q�3똾3e��X�Z��q
J�&�9#��:�#��9 &��"샡F��>��s+ %�B��N��F5e�e�EY�ͼh6�ZW7.S.�J��l��laP��4X�Y ,/o/.ZiSH2��W7�>k��wc���������JC�?3|D#l���Sϕ Each course: 6 credits (5 theoretical segments TH+ 1 for tutorial related segment TU). Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC): The Ability Enhancement (AE) Courses may be of two kinds: Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses (AECC) and Skill Enhancement … Skill Enhancement Course (SEC-2)## Paper-1: Skill Enhancement Course (SEC-2)## Paper-2: DSE 1 and SEC 1 Course subject will be the same as DSC1 Course subject and DSE 2 and SEC 2 Course subject will be the same as DSC2 Course subject. This video talks about the syllabus and the blueprint of the Subject E-FILING OF RETURNS offered in B.COM(HONS.) A Course on Reading Writing Skills (Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) (Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) (Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses (AECC) 1X2 1x2 1x10 1x40 1x50 1x2=2 Paper-4 Semester-IV International Relations and Organization 1x5 1x3 1x20 1x80 1x100 1x3=3 Dimension of Politics (Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) Courses in Iv Semester during 2017-18. Core Paper (DC), Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (IC/SC), Skill Enhancement Course (IE), General Elective (IE/SE), Discipline Specific Elective (DE) Students have the option to select their subjects from a wide array of subjects on offer. First Year Syllabus; Second Year Syllabus; Third Year Syllabus; Course Outcome; Nagari Sanad; Academic Calender; Annual Reports; Sanctioned Post of Teaching Staff; Sanctioned Post of Non-Teaching Staff; Skill Enhancement Course; BOS; Paper Assessment; Paper Setting; Research. Total: 84 credits. Core Course: A course, which should compulsorily be studied by a candidate as a core requirement is termed as a Core course. Ability Enhancement Course (AEC) 2A Ability Enhancement Course (AEC) SIUBMS56 ... 2B *Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) SIUBMS15 Foundation Course - I 02 3 Core ... SIUBMS17 Business Economics-I 03 Total Credits 20 . Skill Enhancement Course UGHN.120 or UGHN.121 Catering management 4 Policy program and interventions 4 Credits of fifth Semester 16 SIXTH Semester Compulsory Core Papers UGHN.122 Dietetic techniques and patient counselling 3+1 UGHN.123 Nutrition and Health of Women 4 UGHN.124 Economics of Food 4 Skill Enhancement Courses UGHN.125 or Curriculum and Syllabus for B.Sc PHYSICS – R 2017 Research Methodology 33 Skill Enhancement Course IV Essentials of Electricity 04 34 Discipline Specific Course Core Practical VII: Physics 02 Discipline Specific Course Course: Information Technology with effect from the academic year 2017 – 2018 . FOR UNDER GRADUATE ARTS, SCIENCE & COMMERCE – 2019-20. (Prog)/ B.A. Centre for Educational Development of Minorities, Employment Information and Guidance Bureau, B.Com. This course introduces the student to collection and presentation of data. 4.6 Syllabus for Discipline Specific Electives (from Physics) ..... 115. Munger University Syllabus 2020: The University offers various courses like B.A, B.COM, B.SC, and other vocational courses. Skill Enhancement Course -IV (U nder CBCS) B.Sc. – DSE – Discipline Specific Elective AECC – Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course SEC – Skill Enhancement Course GE – Generic Elective Stipulations: 1) An Arts (Hons.) First Year Syllabus; Second Year Syllabus; Third Year Syllabus; Course Outcome; Nagari Sanad; Academic Calender; Annual Reports; Sanctioned Post of Teaching Staff; Sanctioned Post of Non-Teaching Staff; Skill Enhancement Course; BOS; Paper Assessment; Paper Setting; Research. First Year Syllabus; Second Year Syllabus; Third Year Syllabus; Course Outcome; Nagari Sanad; Academic Calender; Annual Reports; Sanctioned Post of Teaching Staff; Sanctioned Post of Non-Teaching Staff; Skill Enhancement Course; BOS; Paper Assessment; Paper Setting; Research. 4 0 obj
Skill Enhancement Course-2 SEC-2 4 Generic Elective – 4 GE-4 4 Generic Elective – 4 Practical GE-4 2 V Core course – XI Concepts in <>
Students persuing Advanced (i.e., Honours) Course need to take two (2) Skill enhancement Courses one in each of 3rd and 4th Semesters and four Discipline Specific Elective two in each 5th and 6th Semester. Courses in III Semester during 2017-18. AECC Ability Enhancement Course 2 2 × 2 = 04 2 × 2 = 04 G-SEC Skill Enhancement Course: from geography and/or other disciplines 4 4 × 2 = 08 4 × 2 = 08 Total 24 120 120 *Tutorials of 1 Credit will be conducted in case there is no practical component 1.3 Suggested Mark … This video talks about the syllabus and the blueprint of the Subject E-FILING OF RETURNS offered in B.COM(HONS.) 2. <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
This book on English aims to engage the students more creatively to improve their English language and communication skills. Skill Enhancement Course-1 & Skill Enhancement Course-2 to be offered from STATISTICS Odd Semester STSSSEC01M : Statistical Data Analysis Using C-programming and Software Packages Even Semester STSSSEC02M : Computation using R Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) for 3rd Semester Plus 3 Arts ( Regular) Curriculum under CBCS A student has to choose any one course ( 2 Credit) out of the following four courses prescribed for the 3rd Semester of the +3 Arts (Regular) Curriculum under CBCS. In view of the COVID 19 pandemic and the increased importance of developing employability skills, the Add-On Courses Cell is launching the following courses in Online Mode. in ... University of Delhi during 2011-2012 for the formulation of undergraduate syllabus for Environmental ... Enhancement Courses of which 2 are Skill Enhancement Courses. endobj
Skill Enhancement Course (SEC), Discipline Specific Elective (DSE), Generic Elective (GE) Syllabus- Bachelor of Commerce (International Finance) 2018-19 9 Semester 1 BIF 131: Financial Accounting & Reporting - I SCHEME AND SYLLABUS FOR CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEM FOR B.Sc. (Honors) Biochemistry Under Choice Based Credit System April 2015 . Courses in III Semester during 2017-18." Teaching time: 6x14 = 84 hrs The same has been approved as it is by the Academic Council on 13.7.2015 and Executive Council on 14.7.2015. The curriculum of B.A courses includes a variety of combinations and depends on the institute. Eligibility: For getting admission in ignou ba honours history, student should be passed 10+2 or it’s equivalent. Personality Development. STATE MODEL SYLLABUS FOR UNDER GRADUATE COURSE IN ABILITY/SKILL ENHANCEMENT (+3 Arts, Science &Commerce Examination) UNDER CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEM. Fee: The Total Fees of the Bachelor of Arts History Honours Programme is Rs 9600/- which is to be paid yearly wise @ Rs 3200. SPPU, Psychology Syllabus SYBA (CBCS Pattern) From AY 2020-21 Page 10 SEC-2A: Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) – (2 Credits) Notes: 1. Syllabus for S.Y.B.Sc. Skill Enhancement Course (SEC-2)## Paper-1: Skill Enhancement Course (SEC-2)## Paper-2: DSE 1 and SEC 1 Course subject will be the same as DSC1 Course subject and DSE 2 and SEC 2 Course subject will be the same as DSC2 Course subject. You can any one subject from the common pool each semester. Students persuing Advanced (i.e., Honours) Course need to take two (2) Skill enhancement Courses one in each of 3rd and 4th Semesters and four Discipline Specific Elective two in each 5th and 6th Semester. SYLLABUS FOR B.Sc. Table 1: The Course distribution of Honours Course SYLLABUS OF COURSES TO BE OFFERED Skill Enhancement Course Papers for B.Sc. Visual Art and In the Ist Year, an additional fee of Rs 200 also has to be paid with Rs 3200. This book on Quantitative and Logical Thinking aims to engage the students more creatively to improve their critical thinking skills. Skill Enhancement Course-1 & Skill Enhancement Course-2 Physics Workshop Skills Electrical circuits & Network Skills Renewable Energy & Energy The details of the course divisions along with the subjects are given below. Fund Received; Faculty. - SEC III Research Methodology Skill Enhancement Course (Hons.) 3 Proposed syllabus and Scheme of Examination for B.Sc. The curriculum of B.A courses includes a variety of combinations and depends on the institute. Unit – I. 7. a) Building Mathematical Ability (Arts) – Syllabus b) Building Mathematical Ability – Model Question Paper Scheme & Syllabus for Mrudu Kousalya subjects of 4th semester UG Courses: Life Skills. Vikas – Life Skill Manual in English. under the domains of Ability Enhancement, Skill Enhancement and General Elective. 4�Yh^+�C3��c������da�����wNuf�O��-О����U�������a+�o�������aU�����(~�������b�JC��"S/��:�K@\c'� ���P|���y.��^p�� n��&y�!�;K��{"�����l�"��Y� ��]u�dK�����Z���d���%��c�&������nYM#��]��to7�7{H5��}{<= ���3��f����ǣ��� u� syllabus (pdf) ecs120a: english communication skills (for arts general) (2020) 4 credits: 2020: download: evs120a: environmental science (for all students other than b. courses under the domains of Ability Enhancement, Skill Enhancement and General electives. Data can be summarized and analysed for drawing statistical inferences as it is by the Faculty of Science, for! Munger University syllabus 2020: the CBCS syllabus is uploaded as given by the Faculty of Science OU... Than core Subject I ) SEMESTER – I Assessment: 10 marks paper Internal! 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