Avoid contact with direct flame. Um den besten Nutzen des Mittels erzielen zu können, solltest du immer die Beratung bei Fachleuten suchen. Die genaue Einnahme wird v von dem jeweiligen Fall abhängig gemacht und genau gesprochen. Befragen Sie den Arzt, Homöopathen oder Apotheker ihres Vertrauens. Einzelindikationen sind: Herzinsuffizienz mit Aszites und Anasarka , Herzklappenfehler, Myokarditis, … Many failures have been reported, but the writer is inclined to believe that they are mostly due to the use of poor preparation. Bei dem homöopathischen Mittel Apocynum Cannabinum erhalten Sie von den Anbietern wichtige Zusatzinformationen. There is no hematuria or other evidence of forced action or marked renal congestion. In the nephritis of pregnancy with albuminuria, apocynum lessens arterial tension while it overcomes the dropsy and assists in the reduction of blood pressure which in itself abates the quantity of albumin. Dr. Winter believes that apocynum should be used in cerebrospinal meningitis, especially after the stage of effusion. In the treatment of this disorder Webb and others use five drops over the sheath of the nerve, sometimes giving it from four to six times in a day, often with rapid results. It flowers from July to August, has large sepals, and a five-lobed white corolla. It is well known that apocynum, elaterium, and hair cap moss, when given in proper dosage, will so influence the process of absorption that the diffused serum will be taken back through the medium of the capillaries, into the circulation and the dropsy will disappear without any active hydrogogue or diuretic action. These effects, he asserts, are in every way similar to the action of digitalis, and he is impressed that there is a marked similarity between the action of this drug and digitalis. In the latter stages of heart diseases where hydropericardium is present, with other local or general effusions, it is prompt and efficient in its action, as it most materially strengthens the heart and improves the character of the circulation, while it removes the effusion and consequent oppression. The dosage, according to Golubin, is five drops three or four times daily. Given in large doses, it stops the heart in complete systole, and in small doses slows the beats and strengthens their force. Harvey Brown adds three drams of apocynum to four ounces of water and gives a teaspoonful every four hours for sciatica. APOCYNUM CANNABINUM ROOT (UNII: 2F92409L9Z) (APOCYNUM CANNABINUM ROOT - UNII:2F92409L9Z) APOCYNUM CANNABINUM ROOT: 30 [hp_C] Inactive Ingredients: Ingredient Name Strength; SUCROSE (UNII: C151H8M554) LACTOSE (UNII: J2B2A4N98G) Product Characteristics: Color: white (white) Score Shape: Size: Flavor: Imprint Code: Contains Packaging # Item Code Package … Diese Website benutzt Cookies. All parts of this dogbane exude a milky juice when bruised. With apocynum this may be observed with twenty drops of the specific medicine in four ounces of water, a teaspoonful given every hour. I regret that I cannot give the dosage, exact in each case, but it is small always, usually much less than the commonly prescribed dose, and the dose should be frequently repeated. Auch Privat sind wir schon seit vielen Jahren Kunde und bis Dato hatten wir wirklich noch nie Probleme mit den Produkten oder den Menschen die hinter dem Unternehmen stehen. : Die Droge wurde ursprünglich von nordamerikanischen Ärzten in Form von Abkochugen als … Wenn du die Website weiter nutzt, gehen wir von deinem Einverständnis aus. It increases the power of the heart, improves capillary circulation, assists in overcoming hepatization, and acts upon the kidneys at the same time. : bei Herzschwäche mit Wassersucht, chronischer Nierenentzündung mit Wassersucht sowie Brechdurchfall. All other heart remedies had been tried and failed. Felix-Kramer of Germany has made the following statements: "The active principle of apocynum, according to Liebreich and Langaard, is a glucoside called apocynin, the action of which is, like that of digitalis, a cardiac poison. Wenn du das homöopathische Mittel unterstützend für dich anwenden möchtest, ist zu beachten, dass du 15 Minuten vor der Einnahme weder isst noch trinkst. His dosage is somewhat higher: Eight to ten drops of the fluid extract two to three times a day. The reports on this remedy so far as I have been able to follow them are unanimous in designating it as a cardiac tonic and diuretic. This effect gradually wears off as the patient becomes accustomed to its use. Hier finden Sie laienverständliche Informationen zum Thema Apocynum (Homöopathie). The only evil consequence from the use of the drug is a slight amount of gastric irritation which is sometimes the result of its taking. A distilled extract of apocynum is now supplied, which is nearly tasteless; can be administered in larger closes, and in many cases produces more satisfactory results than any other form, as it has less irritating properties. This agent is a violent cardiac poison. http://www.henriettes-herb.com - Copyright 1995–2020 Henriette Kress. … It is a poisonous plant: Apocynum means The agent has a general tonic influence which so sustains the body forces that considerable violence of cathartic action can be obtained in some cases, without marked depression, but usually this violent action should be avoided. Anw.-Geb. Apocynum belongs to the digitalis group of heart tonics, and acts very much in the same way, differing only from foxglove in the relative degree of its different effects. Use caution. Apocynum cannabinumwächst auf den Prärien und an den Flussufem in Nordamerika und Canada, Verbreitungszentrum ist der Osten. Apocynum cannabinum grows up to 2 meters/6 feet tall. Additional characters considered are hair morphology and distribution, cell number, and presence of subcuticular chambers and chloroplasts. She has confidence in it in cardiac dropsy. . Diese sind nicht nur lästig, sondern können auch Schmerzen verursachen. Both my own observations and those of other more recent writers will confirm this influence as being possible from the use of apocynum, elaterium, magnesium sulphate in small and frequently repeated doses, and one or two other remedies to a limited extent. We have taken the initiative in introducing it among the specific heart remedies. Quercus e glandibus Globuli in der Homöopathie, Ackerschachtelhalm gegen Blasenschwäche, Blutungen und Krampfadern, Bingelkraut gegen Bronchitis, Husten und Gicht, Birke gegen Gicht, Rheumatismus und Hautprobleme. Das homöopathische Mittel Apocynum wirkt auf Herz und Nieren. The leaves are opposite, simple broad lanceolate, 7-15 cm long and 3-5 cm broad, entire, and smooth on top with white hairs on the underside. Dr. Moercke, of Burlington, believes that the remedy will not act when dropsy is induced by malignant diseases, but may perform miracles where the patient is dying from incurable heart lesions with general dropsy. Durst; Magersucht mit Schwellungen im Gesicht; Schwellungen durch Nierenkrankheiten If it were possible to know how this reabsorption could be always induced, it would be of great advantage, as it at once restores the quantity of fluid to the circulation, and prevents the prostration and debilitation of the patient, present, often after the removal of so great a quantity of fluid, which sometimes results in the death of the patient, before the influence of restoratives can be administered. He believes the remedy acts also upon the arterial walls. Dr. Best reports two cases, where the heart was laboring tumultuously, with great irregularity. It was much employed by various native North American Indian tribes who used it to treat a wide variety of complaints including … In the section you will find free tools for word search in accordance with this criterion. Das Mittel Apocynum cannabinum wird bei Nieren- und Herzkrankheiten eingesetzt, wenn dabei auch Ödeme auftreten. It contains an active principle which acts as does digitalis, with, however, these differences, that it is not cumulative, and when administered in a medicinal dose it does not give rise to any inconvenience excepting some headache. The best way to give the drug is by starting in with small doses of the tincture—three drops—and gradually increasing the dose so that the patient is taking ten drops three times a day within three days. Family: Apocynaceae Synonyms: Apocynum hypercifoltum Ait; Apocynum sibiricum. Trowbridge has used apocynum in doses of two drops four times a day where there is irregular and too frequent menstruation. A tincture carefully prepared from the fresh root sometimes is the superior preparation. Homöopathische Mittel brauchen ein wenig bis sie wirken, dass ist ihr einziger Nachteil. It may be combined with the other indicated remedies and echinacea. If the fresh root of the apocynum can be obtained, an infusion of one ounce to the pint of water may be made, and from a teaspoonful to a tablespoonful of this infusion given often and increased or diminished as indicated. Wichtig ist die Beratung auf jeden Fall, denn die Homöopathie muss an deine Beschwerden angepasst werden. Ob nun die Apotheke, den Naturheilarzt oder den Homöopathen. This hair pomade contains natural organic herb and botanical properties. We must look for this influence with other remedies. https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/apocan/all.html Babys und Kleinkinder nehmen das Mittel nicht. Histor. Indian (American) Hemp. The American Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacognosy, 1919, was written by Finley Ellingwood, M.D. This fact is indeed important. Edema, accompanying a mild form of asthmatic breathing, with irregular heart's action, has been cured, with all the symptoms, with this remedy. Wie schon erwähnt, kannst du mehrere Anlaufstellen dafür nutzen. Like strophanthus, nereum oleander, and vinca minor, the plant belongs to the Apocynaceae family. Wie lange dies ist, kommt immer auf die Person und das Mittel an. The pulse is slowed by the action of the remedy through stimulation of the cardiac inhibitory centers of the medulla. Apocynum means "Away dog!" Ansonsten wirkt das Mittel nämlich nicht oder nicht richtig. Apocynum cannabinum zählt zu den homöopathischen Mitteln, die du in allen Apotheken bekommen kannst. In diesem Fall leiden die Patienten an sehr schwankenden Blutdruckwerten. To illustrate: Cathartics are administered for their hydrogogue action in dropsy, either to directly reduce the quantity of the fluid within the tissues or to reduce the quantity of serum directly from the blood and thus induce a reabsorption, perhaps, of the serum which has been diffused outside the capillaries throughout the tissues. Wenn wir dich mit unserem Beitrag vom Globuli und unserer Erfahrung mit Medpex überzeugen konnten, kannst du einfach auf den Link klicken und gelangst direkt bei Medpex zum gewünschten Globuli. In dropsy depending upon feeble heart, with impaired blood pressure and deficient capillary action, the influence of apocynum is fully as marked as in the above condition. His final conclusions are that apocynum is a powerful stimulant to the circulation, and one of which great practical use can be made. That this is too often the case in the use of remedies for other conditions, I am assured. Bei diesem homöopathischen Mittel wird sich dies aber schnell ändern. Dadurch wirst du die richtige Dosierung für deine Probleme finden und das natürlich in der passenden Potenz. Vor allem, wenn diese wegen eines langjährigen Klappenfehler aufgetreten ist. Das homöopathische Mittel wird in der Schwangerschaft nicht genutzt. Therapy—The statements made in my first editions concerning the therapeutic action of this remedy upon the heart have been more than confirmed by subsequent reports other than those of Wood. In large doses it irritates the stomach, producing violent prostrating emesis. Apocynum improves the functional operation of the heart. Watery infusions (with just enough spirit to keep them from fermenting) are said to be more efficacious than tinctures. This page is designed for these purposes. Half a dram of the specific apocynum added to four ounces of water, a teaspoonful every half hour, resulted in relief after a few doses. Apocynum cannabinum wirkt sich positiv auf das Herz aus. Physiological Action—Whether this agent acts most directly upon the heart or upon the kidneys has been an unsettled question except to those who have used it in cases where the heart was greatly enfeebled and relaxed, and when dropsy resulted from that condition. There was a very great increase in the flow of urine, the pulse became stronger, the heart turbulence and the dyspnea disappeared, and the patient recovered. Individual seeds are 4-6 mm. Whether the remedy acts through its direct influence upon the heart, and the circulation of the blood, or upon the secretory or excretory glands of the intestinal canal, as elaterium is supposed to act, or upon both these processes, as apocynum acts, or primarily upon the kidneys, there is no doubt in my mind that an influence is exercised upon the blood pressure-upon arterial tension and perhaps also upon the specific gravity of the blood which influences absorption and the osmotic processes, promoting a reabsorption of the diffused serum into the capillaries without any apparent loss of fluid by increased intestinal, renal, or other eliminative action. All Images Enlarge Image. In the treatment of dropsy I am convinced that the physiological processes involved have been misunderstood and therefore often wrongly treated. Apocynum cannabinum Dr. S.R. Half a dram of the specific apocynum added to four ounces of water, a teaspoonful every half hour, resulted in relief after a few doses. Dr. Gregory believes apocynum acts directly on the kidneys and when they are acting insufficiently he uses it as a stimulant, believing that it increases the solid matter thrown off. Gerade in der heutigen Zeit merkt man öfter, dass viele Unternehmen einem schnell abwimmeln wollen oder eben ohne großen Aufwand an unsere Geldbörse möchten. According to Gwovdinski, of Kiev, apocynum cannabinum is known in Virginia as a household remedy and is used by some American physicians by preference as a diuretic. Apocynum cannabinum ist ein Mittel, welches aus einer Pflanze gewonnen wird. In the later stages of pneumonia where cyanosis and difficult breathing, with increased weakness of the heart, are threatening complications, Dr. Wilkenloh depends upon apocynum. Es kann dir bei verschiedenen Erkrankungen eine Hilfe sein, wie zum Beispiel bei Ödemen. Phatak describes the clinically confirmed symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Apocynum Cannabinum in his Concise Materia Medica, published in 1977..... C. Hering Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. This remedy accomplished all that could be desired. This suggestion should have attention. All Rights Reserved, Apocynum cannabinum Globuli in der Homöopathie. Apocynum cannabinum wird bei Herzleiden in Verbindung mit Hydropsien eingesetzt. Cultivation: The preference is full sun and wet to mesic conditions. Was ist Apocynum? itima, Matricaria chamomilla, and Eupatorium cannabinum possess glandular hairs on the ovary. The recent reports of the action of apocynum include the influence of the remedy upon the heart. Hier geht es zu den Apocynum cannabinum Produkten. It produces a greatly increased flow of limpid urine without irritating the kidneys. Apocynum cannabinum grows up to Template:Cvt tall. Dropsy caused by defective kidney action yields first, provided too much structural change of the kidneys has not occurred. The stems are reddish and contain a milky latex capable of causing skin blisters . In profound doses it has caused suppression of the urine. Injected into the veins of a dog, there was a marked slowing of the pulse with a rise in the blood pressure, usually, but in some cases the slowing of the pulse was so great and so immediate as to prevent any rise of blood pressure. In females where there are greatly relaxed or flabby tissues, anemia, and a tendency to metrorrhagia or menorrhagia, with some little effusion in the ankles, with feeble kidney action, apocynum influences all the conditions. Wenn du das homöopathische Mittel unterstützend für dich anwenden möchtest, ist zu beachten, dass du 15 Minuten vor der Einnahme weder isst noch trinkst. Then she reduces it to half a drop every half hour or hour. In Pawinsky's (of Warsaw) notices about apocynum cannabinum the observations he made of the different effects of this remedy from those of digitalis on the vagus are interesting. Apocynum has cured many stubborn, intractable and very severe cases of sciatica. Apocynum cannabinum (dogbane, amy root, hemp dogbane, prairie dogbane, Indian hemp, rheumatism root, or wild cotton) is a perennial herbaceous plant that grows throughout much of North America - in the southern half of Canada and throughout the United States. The following conclusions were drawn by a writer in the Medical Century: The drug may be given in large doses for a long time—several years in a few cases—without injury to the patient. Pawinsky rarely met with unfavorable effects on the digestion from this remedy, of which effects some authors speak very extensively. His studies further show that despite the enormous stimulation of the heart, the circulation through the kidneys is diminished rather than increased. INGREDIENTS: PETROLATUM; MINERAL OIL; PROPYLPARABEN; INDIAN HEMP (APOCYNUM CANNABINUM) EXTRACT; PANTHANOL; PABA; TOCOPHERYL (VITAMIN E) ACETATE; COCONUT (COCOS NUCIFERA) OIL; … R. Schipper. Ähnlich in der Inhaltsstoffzusammensetzung ist auch Apocynum androsaemifolium. Die Homöopathie verwendet den frischen Wurzelstock. Keep away from children. In acute inflammation of the kidneys, where dropsy appears before the kidney lesion has been diagnosed, as often occurs in post-scarlatinal nephritis, it is prompt in its action, but the kidney inflammation must be combated with other remedies. He believes that the increased flow of urine under apocynum is due to the regulation of the circulation at large, a condition similar to that induced by digitalis. It has been used in all local dropsies. Latin name: Apocynum cannabinum Synonyms: Apocynum sibiricum Family: Apocynaceae (Dogbane Family) Medicinal use of Indian Hemp: Indian hemp is an unpleasantly bitter stimulant irritant herb that acts on the heart, respiratory and urinary systems, and also on the uterus. Word Search by Letters. The stems are reddish and contain a milky latex capable of causing skin blisters. Apocynum cannabinum HAB1; der frische Wurzelstock. So wirkt das Mittel am besten. Botanical Name: Apocynum cannabinum Linn. Hair is flammable. It has considerable reputation in the control of passive hemorrhage among certain physicians. , use the remedy upon the heart, the plant belongs to the Apocynaceae.! Eingesetzt, wenn du dich vor der Einnahme erst etwas verschlimmern we have taken the in... Added for the anemia the influence of both being increased und fette Öle enthalten been. Auch erst einmal auf die Schulmedizin verzichten Zeit für uns genommen und kompetent beraten direct! 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