The Aboriginal Justice Strategy was created in 1991 (originally called the Aboriginal Justice Initiative), to support a range of community-based justice initiatives such as diversion programs, community participation in the sentencing of offenders, and mediation and arbitration mechanisms for civil disputes. The North Bay Aboriginal Community Justice Program will be administered from the North Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre and will work with Aboriginal offenders charged with a variety of criminal offences in an effort to address the root cause of a person’s criminal behaviour. 16.46 The NT Government, through the Aboriginal Justice Unit located within the Department of the Attorney-General and Justice, began consultations to develop an AJA in July 2017: the AJU will focus on gathering information and perspectives from remote and regional communities in the NT to drive the development of the content of the AJA. The Aboriginal Justice Unit . Indigenous Studies 348: Aboriginal Justice in Canada discusses the impact of the Canadian criminal justice system on Aboriginal people and communities, and the efforts Aboriginal people are making to regain control over the administration of justice. The DCS Aboriginal Services Unit was established as a result of a Royal Commission into Reducing Aboriginal Deaths in Custody (RCIADIC). The Aboriginal Justice Strategy. Helping Aboriginal … will: • fulfil administrative, secretariat and project support roles for the NTAJA Governance Committee and LJGs • develop an implementation plan to oversee the delivery of the NTAJA’s outcomes • prepare the annual progress report • convene an annual Aboriginal justice forum Overview. Koori Justice. A word of warning to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers our site may contain images of deceased persons. The Indigenous Guidance Partner is a dedicated position that supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander victims and those responsible for an offence and their supporters to understand the restorative justice process. Koori Justice Unit: Designing a family-centred approach for Aboriginal people in the justice system The Koori Justice Unit (KJU) within the Department of Justice and Community Safety (DJCS) is responsible for coordinating the development and delivery of Aboriginal justice policies and programs across the Victorian Government and justice agencies. It has long been recognized that Aboriginal people make up a disproportionately large segment of the prison population in Canada. As Director of the Aboriginal Justice Unit, in a small team we have delivered the Northern Territory first Draft Aboriginal Justice Agreement that outlines 23 strategies to achieve the three aims: 1. reduce reoffending and imprisonment rates of Aboriginal Territorians; 2 engage and support Aboriginal leadership 3. improve justice responses and services to Aboriginal Territorians. The unit is responsible for coordinating the development and delivery of Victoria's Koori justice policies and programs across the Victorian Government and justice system, primarily the Victorian Aboriginal Justice Agreement (AJA). The Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Framework 2013-18 includes a commitment to close the gap in the number of Aboriginal people (youth and adult) under justice supervision by 2031 – this is the first time an Australian jurisdiction has set a target for closing the gap in justice outcomes. The Koori Justice Unit sits within the department's Service Strategy Reform Branch. The Koori Justice Unit (KJU) within the Department of Justice and Community Safety is responsible for coordinating the development and delivery of Aboriginal justice policies and programs across the Victorian Government and justice agencies. The Koori Justice Unit sits within the department's Service Strategy Reform Branch. The unit is responsible for coordinating the development and delivery of Victoria's Koori justice policies and programs across the Victorian Government and justice system, primarily the Victorian Aboriginal Justice Agreement (AJA). The Restorative Justice Unit provides support and guidance to Aboriginal Torres Strait Islanders referred to and involved in restorative justice.
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