Some experience with design is recommended. The minor in architectural studies combines course work in art history, which equips students to analyze the form and changing history of the built environment in diverse cultures, places, and times, with up to four courses on architectural or urban topics offered in any department. Terms Offered: Spring Guest presentations and Arts + Public Life media and archives will be key resources. Equivalent Course(s): ENST 20104, GEOG 22700, GEOG 32700, SOCI 20104, SOSC 25100, CRES 20104, SOCI 30104. 1427 East 60th Street Featured Building of Chicago Transitions in architecture. Introduction to GIS and Spatial Analysis. Equivalent Course(s): ARTH 24197. Priority will be given to 1st-3rd year undergraduates who have taken zero or one architecture studio courses, but intend to take more. multidisciplinary systems paradigm necessary for solving complex spatial problems and facilitating new understandings. Note(s): Students must attend 1st class to confirm enrollment. Offered 2020-21 (Re)Branding the Balkan City: Comtemp. Note(s): History Gateways are introductory courses meant to appeal to 1st- through 3rd-yr students who may not have done previous course work on the topic of the course; topics cover the globe and span the ages. Architecture at the University of Chicago. Instructor(s): Greg Valdespino     Terms Offered: Winter Many architectural advances have been made possible by breakthroughs in the science of materials, which then led to innovation in construction and fabrication techniques. From the first campus plan to the most recent contemporary tower, the architecture at the University of Chicago has been conceived by some of the most forward-thinking and well-respected designers in the world. Cities by Design. Prerequisite(s): Some exposure to high-school physics is recommended Equivalent Course(s): ARTH 20700, ARTH 30700. The underlying basis for our investigation are a number of sculptures done in the mid-20th century by Albers, Moholy-Nagy, Gabo, Hepworth, Kobro, and Vantongerloo. With degree programs in the visual arts, design, theatre and music, architecture, and art history, CADA is the only place in Chicago where one can prepare for a career in the arts and design within a major research university. Prerequisite(s): Students taking ARCH 24214 should explain the relationship between their final projects and architectural studies. Historically, the shoreline of Lake Michigan has played a central role in Chicago's urban identity. 100 Units. To form a basis for understanding and analyzing space and form, students will research and critique precedents. Instructor(s): Sneha Annavarapu     Terms Offered: Spring University Trustee Kenneth Griffin to loan renowned art collection for exhibit at David Rubenstein Forum . Equivalent Course(s): ARTH 24198. What opportunities emerge as we rethink them? University of Chicago UChicago Arts. 100 Units. We will explore how Catholic Native Potawatomi women decorated their homes in the early 18th century, how black South African maids interacted with white employers during apartheid, and how young male refugees in contemporary France try to make homes in the land of their former colonial ruler. Equivalent Course(s): GEOG 28702, SOCI 30283, SOCI 20283, ENST 28702, GEOG 38702. Bringing archaeology and anthropology together, this course attends to these complex questions, exploring how monuments, heritage sites, and material culture are enmeshed in power and condense contested histories. The kiosk will be designed as both a seasonal commercial space, and year-round space for exhibiting information about Lake Michigan-from its history as an industrial machine to its potential future as an ecological preserve. In 1965, the study of architecture at UIC was expanded to a five-year undergraduate program, leading to a first professional degree (BArch), which was first accredited in 1969–1970. Prerequisite(s): Consent is required to enroll in this class. Chicago has long been a laboratory for architectural innovation and experimentation. The University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) School of Architecture is currently housed within the College of Architecture, Design, and the Arts (CADA), a unique group of schools and affiliated units dedicated to the investigation, creation, and interpretation of our physical, social, and sensory environments. 100 Units. ARCH 24196. ARCH 16010. With degree programs in the visual arts, design, theatre and music, architecture, and art history, the college is the only place in Chicago where one can prepare for a career in the arts and design within a major research university. Navigation. The study of architecture at UIC goes back to its initial formation as a two-year preparatory program at Chicago’s Navy Pier in 1946. (Fiction, 1830-1940, Theory), Instructor(s): Adrienne Brown     Terms Offered: Spring The additional four courses may be taken in Art History or in other departments or programs. The Chicago Park District oversees over 40 kiosks that punctuate the shoreline, which during the summer offer food, retail, and recreational services. Geographic Information Science II. Architectural Worlds: The Materiality and Sociality of Space. Students will be invited to devise and attempt novel techniques to overcome these limitations. The format is a discussion seminar based on readings, assignments, virtual visits and meetings with guest speakers. Her commitment to the city of Chicago was equally long-standing. Chicago Studies is a University of Chicago center that supports students’ engagement in the Chicago community, ranging from community service to arts and culture to courses connecting to Chicago (“Chicago Studies Quarter).” Chicago Studies holds architectural and urban planning events throughout the year. How does art - and theatre in particular - represent and reflect the eccentricities, anxieties and exultations of urban experience? Readings will be interdisciplinary, including anthropology, sociology, history, fiction, film, photography, and primary historical texts. Our Architectural History, Research and Writing MA degree offers an exciting platform for approaching architecture through various topics and stories, as well as styles and methods... Read more. They will relate to the physics principle introduced that Monday and explore its ramification within the broader context of contemporary architectural practice. ARCH 22105. This is an excellent course to take if you are interested in other studio design courses (such as courses listed ARCH 2419X and ARCH 24267), but want to build up your skills before undertaking a major, quarter-long project. Although it is designed to introduce the fundamentals of architectural history to undergraduates seeking a minor in architectural studies, MA and PhD students in any field are also welcome to register. The Architectural History Department at the University of Chicago on Beginnings. An emphasis will be put on free play and experimentation, followed by rounds of revision and refinement. ARCH 20160. Parallel to this, we will discuss a wide range of readings critically, thus reconstructing the evolving theory of representation in architectural writings and the relevance of graphic expression to both theorists and practitioners. ARCH 23321. Spring 2021 100 Units. We will learn about how global ideas and practices contributed to efforts to make Chinese cities "modern," but also how urban experiences have been integral to the meaning of modernity itself. Prerequisite(s): Students taking FREN 22620/32620 must read texts in French. Note(s): This course counts as a Foundations course for GNSE majors What can living rooms tell us about Empires? The South Side of Chicago will be the primary focus. The University of Chicago. Some of the programs that may offer relevant courses are Geographical Sciences, Visual Arts, History, English Language and Literature, Anthropology, and Environmental and Urban Studies. Cities, Space, Power: Introduction to urban social science. Governments invest in transport infrastructure because it encourages economic growth and mobility of people and goods, which have direct and indirect benefits to health. Projections in the Vivosphere. Instructor(s): L. Joyner     Terms Offered: Winter This course will explore the Trojan War through the archaeology, art, and mythology of the Greeks and Romans, as well as through the popular imaginings of it in later cultures. The Illinois School of Architecture: A History of Firsts. One of them is a tour through the 2018 show at MoMA "Toward a Concrete Utopia: Architecture in Yugoslavia 1948-1980" a project curated with the goal to find a place for Yugoslav Modernism in the architectural canon. Interested students should email the instructor (Nootan Bharani, to briefly explain their interest and any previous experience with the course topics, however no previous experience is necessary. ARCH 21300. The program capitalizes on Chicago's rich architectural history while examining the metropolis as a site ripe for contemporary design speculation and … The minor also utilizes the built environment of the University and the city of Chicago at large. Students will test out several design processes through a series of problem sets and micro-projects, and develop their own personal tools and ways as they go. Over the course of the quarter, we will draw on an interdisciplinary scholarship that approaches the central question of how and why thinking about urban life in relation to gender and sex matters. Students will have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the theatre culture of Chicago, and conduct ethnographic research on existing theatre spaces in the city. 2. In this seminar, we will watch and discuss feature films in which the built environment or urban issues play important roles. ARCH 16809. Key historic episodes in American education-the rise of the modern high school, the birth of progressive education, the origins of teachers' unions, the Catholic encounter with race, the fragmentation of suburban school districts, the civil-rights critique of de facto school segregation, the pronounced "failure" of urban education, and the triumph of choice-and-accountability reforms, and the teacher-led resistance that followed-are especially well-illustrated by this course's focus on Chicago. How are such risks distributed throughout society? In the spring of 1910 hundreds of workers labored day and night to demolish the Gillender Building in New York, once the loftiest office tower in the world, in order to make way for a taller skyscraper. The methods will be illustrated by means of open source software such as QGIS and R. Instructor(s): M. Kolak     Terms Offered: Spring. What creative responses have architects, urban designers, and planners brought to this challenge? Starting with the grim and dysfunctional city described in Victor Hugo's "Les Misérables," the course will examine the history of Paris over the period in which it became viewed as the city par excellence of urban modernity through to the testing times of Nazi occupation and then liberation (c. 1830-1950). In its first decade, The Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy faculty and students were investigating such issues as juvenile delinquency, truancy, vocational training, and housing in the rapidly growing city of Chicago. Cities in Modern China: History and Historiography. 100 Units. Streets and plazas have been sites in which much of Mexican history has been fought, forged, and even performed. We will discuss cases from North America, the Caribbean, Asia, Africa, Oceania, and Europe. Planning for Land and Life. There is a particular need to survey this region and feed the newfound interest in it, mainly because Yugoslav architecture embodied one of the great political experiments of the modern era. ARCH 24190. Students will design kiosks on Chicago's lakefront, one of the city's most vibrant public spaces. Architectural History; Filter search results by Author. He wrote numerous books and articles on the history of American building, especially Chicago, Cincinnati, and the Port of New York. Ph: 773-702-7891 Attendance at Thursday lectures is required. In our architectural pursuits, we often seem to be in search of something newer, grander, or more efficient—and this phenomenon is not novel. It also considers the individuals and groups that helped to define these places. By imagining spaces that evoke emotion and incite action, and examining relationships and meaning between architecture and place, students will explore concepts for spaces created for the purpose of holding, preserving or honoring aspects of culture and history. 100 Units. Hyde Park-Chicago Tours. Equivalent Course(s): HIST 32611, FREN 22620, FREN 32620, HIST 22611, ENST 22611. The various ways in which contact with regions beyond the Islamic world throughout this period impacted the arts will also be considered. Term. Equivalent Course(s): GEOG 38402, GEOG 28402. The University of Chicago was founded by a small group of Baptist educators in 1856 through a land endowment by Senator Stephen A. Douglas. facebook twitter youtube instagram. Instructor(s): Kevin Credit     Terms Offered: Autumn. Instructor(s): Marynia Kolak     Terms Offered: Winter. 915 E 60th St. Chicago, IL 60637 773.702.2787. Campus landmarks. Health Impacts of Transportation Policies. Instructor(s): M. Kolak     Terms Offered: Spring. Lakefront Kiosk. Instructor(s): Evan Carver     Terms Offered: Winter. This course surveys the art and architecture of the Islamic world from 1500-1900. Moving from literature written during the early Jim Crow era to contemporary hip hop, this course will look at the ways black artists have staged encounters with urban space. This course offers an introduction to the study of the Renaissance in Italian literature. Students will learn to recognize how the system level properties of a range of transportation systems (such as limited-access highways, urban mass transit, inter-city rail) affect human health. Courses in the minor may not be double counted with the student's major(s) or with other minors. At a broader level, the course will entail critical discussion about the relationship between architecture and society, the building as a historically specific object that also changes over time, the cultural representation of architecture, and modes of perceiving/experiencing the built environment. In 2015, 9 students graduated in the study area of Architectural History And Criticism with students earning 7 Master's degrees, and 2 Bachelor's degrees. The University’s first buildings were modeled after the English Gothic architectural style used at Oxford, complete with towers, spires, cloisters, and grotesques. ARCH 29600. It sketches some of the concerns that animate anthropological interrogations of built spaces, including spatial organization, the relationship between the public and the private spheres, the materiality of architecture, and the politics of architectural forms. Note(s): The course will consist of two lectures per week plus a weekly hands-on workshop (lab) component. Instructor(s): K. Taylor     Terms Offered: Autumn A special emphasis on the graphic presentation of architectural work provides participants with the skills to create a portfolio for graduate applications. Pei, and Henry Ives Cobb all helped design the University’s campus and Hyde Park neighborhood. For decades the University of Chicago has been a leader in the study of history, through its pioneering civilization studies programs, its intensive research-based undergraduate curriculum, and its training of academic historians as both researchers and teachers. Lastly, we will engage with manuscripts and early printed editions of these texts during our in-and-off campus visits to the Special Collections at The University of Chicago Library and the Newberry Library. Chicago Architecture Biennial team inspired by city’s geography, history, and civic role. Note(s): Students must attend first class to confirm enrollment. Interested students should email the instructor, Geoffrey Goldberg ( to briefly explain their interest, and if possible, outline any previous design experience, whether manual or digital. The architecture that was chosen for the south side of the midway was intended to contrast the rest of the University's Gothic style. Reqmt. It relies on a foundation of coursework in Art History complemented by up to three courses on architectural or urban topics from any other department. Today, cultural change raises questions about the significance and operation of this immense network of civic spaces. This course is a formal investigation of these curved forms and plastic shapes, and aims to develop critical understanding of formal issues underlying their use, construction and intention. The result of their travels, The Library: A World History is one of the first books to tell the story of library architecture around the world and through time in a single volume, from ancient Mesopotamia to modern China and from the beginnings of writing to the present day. 100 Units. Please contact with questions. We will read these plays in conjunction with critical writings that illustrate the ways in which changing urban landscapes reshape the contours of theatre practice along economic, demographic and infrastructural lines. Instructor(s): Desiree Foerster     Terms Offered: Winter In addition to the School of Architecture, CADA is composed of the School of Art and Art History, the School of Design, and the School of Theatre and Music, as well as the Jane Addams Hull-House Museum, a National Historic Landmark and museum committed to social justice, and Gallery 400, a dynamic, cutting edge contemporary art gallery. This course takes this paradox as the starting point for an interdisciplinary exploration of the history of Latin American cities in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, focusing especially on issues of social inequality, informality, urban governance, race, violence, rights to the city, and urban cultural expression. This tour on Chicago’s South Side explores the University of Chicago campus, full of beautiful, ivy-covered Collegiate Gothic buildings. Drawing and the Making of Architecture. A defining movement in the history of European culture and civilization, the Renaissance is best known for its rediscovery of classical antiquity, its achievements in the arts, literature, philosophy, exploration etc., as well as for the rise of a modern sense of self. Instructor(s): Emily Talen     Terms Offered: Autumn While this design studio focuses on the development of new model parks for Chicago, it can support students coming from a broad range of disciplines. 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