the direction of movement ; the rate of movement; the speed of movement … See full entry. General theory never has been, and in the nature of things never can be, the actual reflex of the life and movement of the economic world. Phrases Phrases 1. (For details of this revolutionary movement, see Nihilism.) Actions. The arrested prophetic movement of Jeremiah and Deutero-Isaiah reappears in John the Baptist and Jesus after an interval of more than five centuries. Talia awoke at her movement, her eyes as large and dark as Jenn's. The Ku Klux movement in its wider aspects was the effort of the first class to destroy the control of the second class. But in that year the following incident was the beginning of a great movement. She lost her ring at the beach. A movement behind caught her attention and she stopped. The movement for any particular combination of armatures can only take place once per revolution of the type-wheel and at one particular place. Men leave their customary pursuits, hasten from one side of Europe to the other, plunder and slaughter one another, triumph and are plunged in despair, and for some years the whole course of life is altered and presents an intensive movement which first increases and then slackens. I rang the bell and I could see shadow movement behind the thin drapes but no one answered. Several times she thought movement around the camp had wakened her. Movement: the act or an instance of changing position. The ph~ me organizers of the movement were King Franciss uncle, the bo mt of Trapani, and Mons. It is noteworthy that Romagna was the only part of Italy where the revolutionary movement was accompanied by murder. This movement, it should be noted, was a popular rising, and not the work of a few leaders. Prepositional Phrase Examples: Different Types How to use movement in a sentence. blowing away. 5 Files Depth Sorting. The constant movement caused my skirt to ride up, and the bottom of my thighs squeaked against the leather. That movement from the Nizhni to the Ryazan, Tula, and Kaluga roads was so natural that even the Russian marauders moved in that direction, and demands were sent from Petersburg for Kutuzov to take his army that way. The campaign was conducted on the lines of the anti-militarist movement in France identified with the name of Herv. Although it is difficult to determine the true historical kernel, two features are most prominent in the narratives which the post-exilic compiler has incorporated: the revelation of Yahweh, and the movement into Palestine. The open source movement and Creative Commons licensing are examples of people willing to share their intellectual labor to help others. Such a passage as bars 5 to 8 in the first movement of Beethoven's 8th symphony is as unintelligible from the point of view of Wagnerian opera as the opening of the Rheingold is unintelligible from the point of view of symphony. Finding Phrases 5. In life they are commonly rhythmically opened and shut by a wavy movement. What was needed for him who, overshadowing others, stood at the head of that movement from east to west? The preposition to is sometimes used to indicate a specific position, especially if a person or object is facing something: He stood with his back to the window. 52 Phrases to Improve the Flow of Your English Presentations The Introduction. In 1836 Cooke, to whom the idea appears to have been suggested by Schilling's method, invented a telegraph in which an alphabet was worked out by the single and combined movement of three needles. The chief cause of the wastage of Napoleon's army was the rapidity of its movement, and a convincing proof of this is the corresponding decrease of the Russian army. She watched it for a few seconds, entranced by the movement. Video cameras with night vision can be activated by, 30. (verbal phrase to learn new things functions as an adverb; was reluctant is the verb phrase) He dismounted in one graceful movement and started unsaddling Diablo. Their very numbers and their crowded and swift movement deprived them of that possibility and rendered it not only difficult but impossible for the Russians to stop this movement, to which the French were directing all their energies. Loose clothing gives you greater freedom of, 6. Prince Andrew followed Speranski's every word and movement with particular attention. The British government, on hearing of his arrival at Plymouth, decided to send him to St Helena, the formation of that island being such as to admit of a certain freedom of movement for the august captive, with none of the perils for the world at large which the tsar's choice, Elba, had involved. Desktop and Mobile HTML5 game framework. The commencement of that movement was the movement from west to east. But the greatest success was attained when St Bernard - no great believer in pilgrimages, and naturally disposed to doubt the policy of a second Crusade - was induced by the pope to become the preacher of the new movement. Musical Phrases – The Big Picture “Man that was a great two bar continuation phrase, with awesome fragmentation and melodic liquidation!” Super Music Nerd In the grand scheme, no one is going to listen to your Symphony and say, “Man, that was a great two bar phrase.” Well… maybe some music nerds, like me, but […] The part of this atmospheric circulation which is steadiest in its action is the trade winds, and this is, therefore, the most effective in producing drift movement of the surface waters. 26 Files Animation. In one lithe movement he vaulted the gate and bolted toward the door. In both these cases the stimulation is followed, not only by movement, but by the secretion of an acid liquid containing a digestive juice, by virtue of which the insect is digested after being killed. It was John Flesher who chiefly guided the movement from a loosely jointed Home Missionary Organization on to the lines of a real Connexionalism. Couldn't you be tried by the women's movement for treason? my English teacher. Strolling along a beach at sunset is romantic. Mississippi has taken a leading part in the movement to bring about the removal of the common law disabilities of married women, the first statute for that purpose having been passed in 1839. She went up to him and with a swift, flexible, youthful movement dropped on her knees. In some communities they fell into the control of violent men and became simply bands of outlaws, dangerous even to the former members; and the anarchical aspects of the movement excited the North to vigorous condemnation.'. Only the expression of the will of the Deity, not dependent on time, can relate to a whole series of events occurring over a period of years or centuries, and only the Deity, independent of everything, can by His sole will determine the direction of humanity's movement; but man acts in time and himself takes part in what occurs. The trust, which has 2.3 million members, has been characterised as a sleeping giant of the environment, 28. Taran tensed, the movement enough to snap one of the rusted fetters. Slicing the end of the envelope open with one smooth movement, he placed the letter opener back where it belonged and shoved the drawer shut. The Phrase 1. But, while Robertson was in some measure the initiator of a movement, Prescott came to his task when the range of information was incomparably wider and when progress in sociologic theory had thrown innumerable convergent lights upon the progress of events. The piece ends with a truly poetic slow, 10. For example: She swam across the river. The intent in which this movement began has carried through even in this moment of crisis. The old Liberal movement and the terrorist organizations which had been suppressed by Alexander III. The movement caught Giddon's attention and he glanced from Tammy to Lisa with a puzzled expression. We are of the unalterable conviction," says Harnack, " that what happens in time and space is subject to the universal laws of movement; that accordingly there cannot be any miracles in this sense, i.e. Other evidence allows us to link together the Kenites, Calebites and Danites in a tradition of some movement into Palestine, evidently quite distinct from the great invasion of Israelite tribes which predominates in the existing records. From its very nature this general theory can never correspond strictly to the actual life and movement of any given state. One diaphragm gives the mirror a movement in a vertical direction while the other gives it a horizontal motion. asks the mind of man. "Oh, that would be so dread..." she began and, prevented by agitation from finishing, she bent her head with a movement as graceful as everything she did in his presence and, looking up at him gratefully, went out, following her aunt. The vigour and tactical skill of Bonaparte contributed very largely to the success of the troops of the Convention over the Parisian malcontents on the famous day of 1 3 Vendemiaire (October 5th, 1795), when the defenders of the Convention, sweeping the quays and streets near the Tuilleries by artillery and musketry, soon paralysed the movement at its headquarters, the church of St Roch. She was hiding under the table. 2. Astrology and alternative medicine are part of the New Age, 26. movement example sentences. The difference between the highest and lowest price, we may observe, is a very imperfect indication of the range of movement (though, taken in conjunction with the standard deviation, it is the best at our disposal), because either of the extreme prices might be accidental and quite out of relation to all others. in the wind. Above each cavity is situated a so-called water-sloma, no doubt derived phylogenetically from an ordinary stoma, and enclosed by guard-cells which have nearly or entirely lost the power of movement. He turned and mounted his horse in one lithe movement. Do you know anything about the revolutionary, 25. he sands in your way beg for your song and your, 26. Raymund of Toulouse (the first prince to join the crusading movement) along with Bishop Adhemar, the papal commissary, led the Proven9als down the coast of Illyria, and then due east to Constantinople, arriving towards the end of April 1097. If there is even a single body moving freely, then the laws of Kepler and Newton are negatived and no conception of the movement of the heavenly bodies any longer exists. Mesmerized by its movement, she watched as it disappeared into the clouds. Example 1. Here is a list of the most common prepositions of movement with examples. We can say that sentences with that are Complement Phrase (CP). The sound of men and movement around her pulled her from the daze. A simple but effective method for capturing movement in your art is to use suggestive brushwork which mimics the general movement and gesture. A ray of light from a lamp is thrown on the mirror, whence it is reflected upon a white surface or scale set at a distance of about 3 ft., forming a bright spot on the surface; the slightest angular deflexion of the mirror, owing to its distance from the scale, moves the spot of light a very appreciable distance to the right or left according to the direction of the angular movement. But he had, as Newman afterwards said of him, "struck into the movement at an angle.". INFL-to-COMP movement, Verb-to-INFL movement). To a proposal made by General Campan (who was to attack the fleches) to lead his division through the woods, Napoleon agreed, though the so-called Duke of Elchingen (Ney) ventured to remark that a movement through the woods was dangerous and might disorder the division. On her walks at Lover's Lane near Evelyn's row house, she'd often seen couples entranced by the rhythmic movement of waves stand at a railing, the man's arms wrapped around the woman in front of him, his chin on her head. He took part in the revolutionary propaganda that led to the military movement in Madrid on the 22nd of June 1866. The prepositional phrase "during the commercials" acts as a noun and is in fact the subject of the sentence. At Oxford William Chillingworth was then busy with his great work, The Religion of Protestants, and it is possible that by intercourse with him Taylor's mind may have been turned towards the liberal movement of his age. The man who explains the movement of the locomotive by the smoke that is carried back has noticed that the wheels do not supply an explanation and has taken the first sign that occurs to him and in his turn has offered that as an explanation. The movement of emigration may be divided into two currents, temporary and permanentthe former going chiefly towards neighboring European countries and to North Africa, and consisting of manual laborers, the latter towards trans-oceanic countries, principally Brazil, Argentina and the United States. If it hadn't been for tilting her head back that way, she might not have seen the movement. The trust, which has 2.3 million members, has been characterised as a sleeping giant of the environment, 21. He was essentially humane; and it is worthy of notice that he was in favour of the abolition of slavery, while humane men like his friend Lord Sheffield, Dr Johnson and Boswell were opposed to the antislavery movement. "Mais charmante!" She was educated at home, and later identified herself with the movement for the higher education of women, being also one of a group of women who about 1858 were discussing the question of women's suffrage at the Kensington Society. The Titan was the first type of large portable crane in which full use was made of a truly horizontal movement of the load; for the purpose for which the type is designed, viz. present participle phrases used as adjectives can take the different . Loose clothing gives you greater freedom of movement. Many of them were punished, some sent to Siberia, many died of cold and hunger on the road, many returned of their own accord, and the movement died down of itself just as it had sprung up, without apparent reason. The story of this scribe (now combined with the memoirs of Nehemiah) crystallizes the new movement inaugurated after a return of exiles from Babylonia. There is some milk in the fridge. "Have you seen the princess?" Here is a simple examples of a noun and a participial phrases (in green) in action. As the cat watched, the two puppies fought over a bone. His father was one of a Yorkshire family who, for three generations, had been supporters of the Evangelical movement in the Church of England. Town officials first noticed significant hill movement on April 4. The old countess, not letting go of his hand and kissing it every moment, sat beside him: the rest, crowding round him, watched every movement, word, or look of his, never taking their blissfully adoring eyes off him. Sasha snatched her neck with one hand, his movement too fast for her to defend herself against. She didn't remember his passion, the way he tasted and smelled and felt, or the movement of his muscles beneath taut, smooth skin. Open: Open the windows. Young Rainy was intended for his father's profession, but he was caught by the evangelical fervour of the Disruption movement, and after studying for the Free Church he became a minister, first in Aberdeenshire and then in Edinburgh, till in 1862 he was elected professor of Church history in the theological seminary, New College, a post he only resigned in 1900. One word from me, one movement of my hand, and that ancient capital of the Tsars would perish. Under Antonius Felix (52-60) the revolutionary movement grew and spread. Select a Category: Star Watch. 2. The youth flinched at his movement, then stared at him suspiciously. The movement came to a head, as a result of the disasters of the war with Japan, in 1904. On the other hand the better party among the priests, believing the ritual to be necessary, might undertake to moralize it; of such a movement, begun by Deuteronomy, Ezekiel is the most eminent representative. Such is the reflex and mechanical movement independent of the mind. If now the vertical movement of the walking-beam be 24 in., when 'it starts on the up-stroke the sinker-bar rises 4 in., and the cross-heads come together with a smart blow, then the auger-stem is picked up and lifted 20 in. As if measuring themselves and preparing for the coming movement, the western forces push toward the east several times in 1805, 1806, 1807, and 1809, gaining strength and growing. A player does not need to call out check in order for it to occur.Double Check – Double check occurs when two pieces are attacking/checking the king at the same time. Alexei rose to his feet with a single effortless, 22. 1. MOST POPULAR A BIG List of Prefixes and Suffixes and Their Meanings . He was tall enough that the movement caused her body to rest against his, however briefly. From 1846 onwards Jowett threw himself into this movement, which in 1848 became general amongst the younger and more thoughtful fellows, until it took effect in the commission of 1850 and the act of 1854. He was not a pretty boy but a man with rugged, bad-boy beauty and a slow sensuality about his movement that made her heart skip a beat despite her pain. She is a forerunner of the modern women's movement. Examples of noun phrases: the brown hat. Verbs of movement. Here’s an example: During the commercials is the best time to go to the bathroom. The Prepositional Phrase (PP) 2. During the troubles of1848-1849Feuerbach's attack upon orthodoxy made him something of a hero with the revolutionary party; but he never threw himself into the political movement, and indeed had not the qualities of a popular leader. Signing autographs takes time. Whether you are for the organic food movement or against it, for genetically modified crops or against them, for corporate farms or seed banks or raw food or anything else, is influenced significantly by your larger view of politics. One instance, which had occurred some twenty years before, was a movement among the peasants to emigrate to some unknown "warm rivers.". The only effects of this great movement were effects prejudicial to the ends towards which it was directed. He’ll do anything within reason but he won’t break the law. In the acquisition of motor skills, children move through a developmental progression.There are four phases of motor development: the reflexive movement phase, the rudimentary movement phase, the fundamental movement phase, and the specialized movement phase.1. A whisper soft movement in the night alerted her, and she held her breath, straining her eyes into the darkness. The Hussite movement, a victorious expression of Czech nationality, is contemporaneous with the loss of German dominion in Prussia; the exodus of German students from Prague takes place a year before the defeat of the Order at Tannenburg. The fundamental movement phase occurs between the ages of 2 and 7 as children gain control over their gross motor and fine … Dana Raike Recommended for you. On the Continent, the movement was more aristocratic and theoretical; it was part of the intellectual renaissance which found its most striking expression in the principles of the French Revolution. But, on the other hand, the vital spirits cause a movement in the gland by which the mind perceives the affection of the organs, learns that something is to be loved or hated, admired or shunned. Berg and Vera could not repress their smiles of satisfaction at the sight of all this movement in their drawing room, at the sound of the disconnected talk, the rustling of dresses, and the bowing and scraping. Also check out Sound Words in English: Bang, Smash, Crash & 39 More. structure given in the phrase structure tree of the form "John will see who." In truth the new movement of religious thought and feeling which started from the fall of the Hebrew state took two distinct lines, of which Ezekiel and the anonymous 3 G. Owing to the very rapid movement and the consequent increased rate of transmission of heat, the pipes and radiators may be reduced in size, in many circumstances a very desirable thing to achieve. Holdheim (q.v.) The 1970s saw the first backlash against the emerging women's, 28. Noun movement one of the new Age, 26 policy of Alexius was to... Together with all its dependents in such a group, philosophy, or advocating such a manner that the,... 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