The monograms are never crossed with stitches, folds or locks. Fake examples below; (Above fake is on the left) Highend Louis Vuitton Favorite PM Bag N41277 ... Louis Vuitton Speedy Bandouliere 25 N41374 . If you take a close look, you will notice that the tail of the letter ‘L’ is always short on an original stamping of the bag. Only the replica LV bags will have so because the coverings ensure that the handles do not erode, fade away or the stitches don’t come off. There’s only one way to avoid buying a fake Louis Vuitton bag; purchase it from the source. Discover Louis Vuitton Speedy 25: Crafted from supple Damier Azur canvas, the Speedy 25 is an elegant, compact handbag, the ideal companion for city life. Established in 1999 as the world’s largest and oldest designer authentication company, My Poupette has a list of online eBay sites that sell fake designer Louis Vuitton handbags. Firstly, check out for the LV Logo on the zipper pull. Originally created for travelers in the 1930s – the name refers to the era’s rapid transit – every feature of the Speedy’s design is iconic, from its unmistakable shape to the rolled leather handles, engraved padlock and detachable strap. Are the bag missing locks, keys, and metalware? The placement of the button on the handles is too close to the stitching in case of a counterfeit bag. Every original LV Bag has a canvas lining in colors ranging from hues of grey and Alcantara. Size Louis Vuitton Damier Ebene Canvas Neverfull PM. I'm comparing a fake Speedy 25 to an authentic Louis Vuitton Speedy 25. But, all the bags before 1980 does not come with a date code.  The bags in circulation after 1980  must have a genuine date code. Launched in 1930 as the "Express" and inspired by that era's rapid transit, today’s updated Speedy remains a timeless House icon, with its singular silhouette, rolled leather handles and engraved signature padlock. Only shopping directly at Louis Vuitton guarantees 100% authenticity. 4. Shop authentic Louis Vuitton Speedy at up to 90% off. No, Louise Vuitton bags are never available on sale. Does the Louis Vuitton handbag come with a dust bag? Fake Coach Handbags: Did You Buy a Knock-Off Coach Purse? Discover Louis Vuitton Speedy 25: Crafted from supple Damier Ebene canvas, the Speedy 25 is an elegant, compact handbag, the ideal companion for city life. With the brand’s imitated logo plastered on 99% of all LV bags in the marketplace, there’s a big chance that web retailers are selling fake Louis Vuitton purses beyond New York’s infamous Canal Street. I tend to love bright flashy bags that really make my fashion sense pop! Launched in 1930 as the "Express" and inspired by that era's rapid transit, today’s updated Speedy remains a timeless House icon, with its unmistakable silhouette, rolled leather handles and engraved, signature padlock. If it looks like a fake, seems like a fake, and is considerably below retail, it probably is counterfeit. Do extensive handbag homework before purchasing any luxury items outside authorized retailers. Also, if the piping is not leather, it is definitely fake. I am looking forward to checking out more. What is the proper placement of the date code? Can you verify that the sales receipt is authentic? If you carefully notice, you will see that the letter ‘T’ is so close to ‘I’ that they together seem as ‘IT’. Original LV Backpacks always come with cotton dustbags with neat seams with LV written on it. Add to Cart. Established in Paris in 1854, the house is one of the oldest and most respected names in luxury. Again, mistakes in each picture, but these types of counterfeit bags cheat people out of LOTS of money every single day! What type of packaging will accompany the bag? The authenticity of your vintage bag is also determined by the alphanumeric code which each bag contains. Launched in 1930 as the "Express" and inspired by that era's rapid transit, today’s updated Speedy remains a timeless House icon, with its singular silhouette, rolled leather handles and engraved signature padlock. I'm Monica. At Harper’s Bazaar’s site, you can find tips on how to avoid buying a fake designer bag and learn what you can do to help spread the message that fakes are never in fashion. The date code of the bag specifies the date and place of manufacture of the bag. There is also a noticeable difference in the color of the lining on both bags. Discover Louis Vuitton Speedy 35: Crafted from feminine Damier Azur canvas, the Speedy 35 is a stylish handbag for both travel and daily use. Originally created for travelers in the 1930s – the name refers to the era’s rapid transit – every feature of the Speedy’s design is iconic, from its unmistakable shape to the rolled leather handles, engraved padlock and detachable strap. As explained above, they help identify the year and country of origin of the bag. So, did spot out the fake bags and save your money from buying a replica. The price is also a dead giveaway. $226.00. Visit Indeed, the origins of Louis Vuitton are in France, but for over 25 years it has also been manufacturing products in USA, Spain, Germany and Italy. Editor’s Recommendation: Spot a Fake MK Bag. Louis Vuitton has a very strict presentation and packaging standards for their luxury items. Louis Vuitton Damier canvas should have the same texture as Monogram canvas. 1-16 of 134 results for "louis vuitton speedy 35" Skip to main search results Eligible for Free Shipping. In today’s post from the cycle of how to distinguish fake from the original, I wanted to introduce you to the bag Louis Vuitton Speedy. Genuine LV products are sold via the exclusive distribution network of Louis Vuitton stores. And last, but not least Louis Vuitton Speedy bags are very expensive products and everything about it needs to feel of very good quality. 11. Nov 29, 2019 - Explore Belinda Batelaan's board "Fake LV bags" on Pinterest. So if you come across some bags marketed as discounted ones, take your call, as you can determine them easily as fakes. Here's another common fake. How to Spot an LV Bag: 10 Questions to Ask – Forbes. Louis Vuitton uses different linings for different collections of bags, but Monogram canvas bags are generally lined in brown cotton and Damier Ebiene Canvas bags traditionally have a red lining in microfiber. Louis Vuitton represents the height of French craftsmanship. Hey! Something we also noticed that cannot be seen in photographs is that the hardware on the authentic Speedy is convex (curving outward), whereas on the fake Speedy, it is flat. $252.00. Damier Ebene Canvas bags have a red lining in microfiber. Add to Cart. It has the right color of stitching, shape, measurements, right number of wall pockets positioned in the right spots of a Louis Vuitton Damier Azur Stresa GM bag. Do not be duped into buying a counterfeit or cheap replica of an original. Consider treating yourself to an authentic Louis Vuitton handbag. Louis Vuitton Monogram Canvas Neverfull GM Bag, (left), Louis Vuitton Damier Canvas Neverfull MM Bag (right) There Are So Many More Louis Vuitton Bags To Choose From While the Speedy and the Neverfull are the most popular choices for first time LV buyers, there are so many more Louis Vuitton bags to choose from. Recently, the dustbags come in light saffron color and instead of an abbreviation the full brand name is written. Unlike the fake ones, which have sloppy finishing. Discover Louis Vuitton Speedy 25 bag Crafted from supple Damier Azur canvas, the Speedy 25 is an elegant, compact handbag, the ideal companion for city life. Except for a few very old and vintage LV Bags, the bags have the LV Monogram on the leather canvas, symmetrically aligned from side to side. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. A. Authentic LV handbags are manufactured in France and more recently, in the United States, Spain, Germany, and Italy. An authentic Louis Vuitton Speedy should have honey-brown cotton canvas lining. Authentic Louis Vuitton Favorite MM Crossbody On the monogram and Damier azur models, the glue around the handles should be a deep red not bright red. The authentic vintage bags do no have suede linings, and till date, this designer company does not use brown or tan suede materials for their lining purposes. A. That said, there are several Damier Graphite styles that have a smooth finish with a light sheen. Louis Vuitton Damier Azur Speedy 30 N41533 . Spotting a fake Louis Vuitton handbag is hard work. Made in Italy- BC, BO, CE, FO, MA, RC, RE, SA, TD, Made in France- A0, A1, A2, AA, AAS, AH, AN, AR, AS, BA, BJ, BU, DR, DU, CO, CT, ET, FL, LW, MB, MI, NO, RA, RI, SD, SF, SL, SN, SP, SR, TJ, TH, TR, TS, VI, VX. has a detailed resource of how to spot a fake Louis Vuitton bag. Memorize this list and double-check these authentication lists before purchasing. Your email address will not be published. On the front/back of Speedy 25 Damier Ebene & Azur, there are 15 square checks in one row (8 & 7 dark or light squares respectively). There are certain features that you need to pay attention to especially the font Louis Vuitton uses to stamp its bags. Discover Louis Vuitton Speedy 25: Crafted from supple Damier Azur canvas, the Speedy 25 is an elegant, compact handbag, the ideal companion for city life. Thanks very much for posting this excellent info! A real bag will have even stitching in the pattern of 4 and 5, not a stitch more, not a stitch less. It’s a fake! A new and real Louis Vuitton Bag will showcase pale beige handles, which gradually turns darker with age due to oxidization.  The piping and handles of authentic LV bags are constructed from. 2. Well defined and finely embossed logo in the metal works (Photo Source) 2. They come in tan and light brown colors. The stitching on the tabs are neat and follow a pattern of 4 and 5 stitches. 3. If you’re thinking of purchasing a vintage bag and it does not keep its leather smell — drop that purse. A. I love showing off my style with the perfect handbag or purse. What hardware is included with the Louis Vuitton purse? Is there any positive seller feedback from many buyers? Rating: 0%. The Neverfull comes in three sizes – Large (GM 5.4 x 12.6 x 5.9), Medium (MM 12.6x 11.4 x 6.3) and Small (PM 11 x 8.7 x 5.1). The goldtone of the button will be even and the finishing will be perfect. Bad Louis Vuitton Damier Ebene Speedy Bag. Speedy 25 Crafted from supple Damier Azur canvas, the Speedy 25 is an elegant, compact handbag, the ideal companion for city life. This evenly spaced dating and coding are found inside the compartment at the back of the pockets, of every single genuine LV Bag. See more ideas about lv bag, bags, louis vuitton handbags. Learn how your comment data is processed. This article comprises few tips and a brief guide to spotting a fake Louis Vuitton bag from the real ones, for the die-hard fans of LV Bags, who love the vintage collection, especially if it is rarer the better. Launched in 1930 as the "Express" and inspired by that era's rapid transit, today’s updated Speedy remains a timeless House icon, with its singular silhouette, rolled leather handles and engraved signature padlock. Required fields are marked *, How to Spot a Real Louis Vuitton Bag | Real Vs. A knock off bag has bright red trims at the edges, which never fades or darkens over time. Discover Louis Vuitton Speedy Bandoulière 25: The Speedy Bandoulière 25 in signature Monogram canvas is an ideal city bag for every day. Originally created for travelers in the 1930s – the name refers to the era’s rapid transit – every feature of the Speedy’s design is iconic, from its unmistakable shape to the rolled leather handles, engraved padlock and detachable strap. There are counterfeit sale receipts floating around the internet. Here is an example of a fake Louis Vuitton via Launched in 1930 as the "Express" and inspired by that era's rapid transit, today’s updated Speedy remains a timeless House icon, with its singular silhouette, rolled leather handles and engraved signature padlock. So here is the real question, amidst so many counterfeits of LV Bags, how to check the authenticity of a real bag. The lining of the Monogram speedy will always be a mid-brown canvas and the Damier Ebene print is a red canvas. Can I trust the seller? We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. According to, LV date codes are always found on a small, square piece of leather on the inside of the bag, or on the side of the purse near an inside seam. Do All Louis Vuitton Bags Have a Serial Number? Check out the details of every country and their codes. Free Shipping by Amazon ... FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon. The logo is the same as it was created, there are no smudging at the edges, no blurring, any sort of tilts in the lettering. The bags are made from a single leather canvas, which means that the leather wraps from the front to the back, making the LV Monogram appear upside down. Bags that don’t fit these sizes are not genuine Louis Vuitton. If you have your heart out for a specific bag, do your research about its detailings as depending on the year of manufacture the lining may be different. A fake bag can still have a real date code sequence but anytime you look at a Louis Vuitton you should always read the date code to determine where and when the bag was made. Launched in 1930 as the "Express" and inspired by that era's rapid transit, today’s updated Speedy remains a timeless House icon, with its unmistakable silhouette, rolled leather handles and engraved, signature padlock. Your email address will not be published. Add to Wish List. $226.00. has a list of fake bag sellers on eBay that you should avoid if you want a real Louis Vuitton purse and not a fake one.. Now you know, if you spot LV Bag which is stitched from two pieces of leather, it is probably a fake one. Bags with missing or unregistered date codes are one of the best ways to tell a fake Louis Vuitton vs real. When checking for the authenticity of a Louis Vuitton Bag, there are many things to consider and details to study.  The inside lining, the monogram, the stitching, leather, hardware detailing, the pattern and the alignment of the monogram, are a few things to consider before you buy the  LV bag you have set your heart on. The RealReal is the world's #1 luxury consignment online store. It is best choose to buy replica louis vuitton handbags from this website. Louis Vuitton bags are not made in China. Memorize this list and double-check these … With the rising popularity of designer handbags, there are numerous luxury handbag sellers and resellers on Facebook, Instagram, various websites, blogs and some even have their own small boutiques. Bag Bliss’s list of Fake Louis Vuitton handbags is thoroughly begging for a bookmark. LV Bags use their signature D-shape rings. Super Fake Louis Vuitton Monogram Speedy Bag. All LV bags have date codes, which are a little different than serial numbers. Other Articles about Designer Handbags, Purses, & Clutches You’ll Enjoy Reading: online eBay sites that sell fake designer Louis Vuitton handbags. It occurs in four sizes: Speedy 25 (25 to 19 to 15 cm), 30 (30 21 to 17 cm), 35 (35 23 to 18 cm), 40 (40 by 25 by 19 cm). These are never on sale or any discount. Discover Louis Vuitton Speedy 35 bag Crafted from feminine Damier Azur canvas, the Speedy 35 is a stylish handbag for both travel and daily use. The bag looked very much like a real Louis Vuitton Damier Azur Stresa GM bag. Add to Wish List. The two bags below are all authentic Louis Vuitton Speedy Bandouliere. Add to Compare. A true bag from the LV collections of Speedy, Alma, and Neverfull has fine stitches in mustard yellow threading, evenly and meticulously done across the tabs where the handles are attached. The Logo of a Louis Vuitton Bag is almost a century old and it has never been yet changed in any manner. Despite the sales of fake handbags linked to organized crime, illegal sweatshops and child labor, designer handbag lovers are still looking for that elusive authentic Louis Vuitton purse at the end of the web rainbow. What color is the bag’s interior for my particular Louis Vuitton handbag? Also, keep an eye out for bags whose handles are wrapped with soft paper, polythene or tissue. […]. Also, many times you’ll discover that when you check the Louis Vuitton date code that the sequence is not correct and are able to quickly determine the bag is fake. Fake LV Bags. The logo should be sharp and clear in appearance. Speedy Bandoulière 25 The Speedy Bandoulière 25 handbag in fresh Damier Azur canvas is an ideal choice for summer in the city. The lettering on the stamping is very thin, precise and crisp. The lining on the replica below has a duller brown color to it. The focal Louis Vuitton Stamp is very important for authentication and more than often this stamping becomes a key factor in identifying a fake bag. Add to Compare. This time the Speedy is in a damier ebene canvas. These signs will help you differentiate a replica from the real bag whether you purchase it online or offline. Here’s a list of websites with more information and resources to help you determine if a designer purse is real or fake: Beware of Fake Louis Vuitton Bag Sellers – FashionPulis, How to Spot Fake Louis Vuitton Purses -WikiHow. Designer Handbags Discounted for Cheap: 12 Stores to Buy Bags, How to Clean Your Nylon or Microfiber Purse, How to Spot a Fake Vintage Chanel Bag: 10 Step Authentication, Real vs Fake Designer Handbags and Purses. Buyers beware. Here are the best of  Harper’s Bazaar’s list of tips to avoid buying a fake Louis Vuitton bag. The ‘O’s are well rounded and appear bigger than L, The ‘T’s are very close as if they are touching each other. Follow the guidelines precisely and you are good to go. Unless the date code has been rubbed down due to wear — or the bag is ancient,  you should always find a date code inside an authentic Louis Vuitton. Real Fendi Handbags vs Fakes: 8 Authenticity Check Tips, Real vs Fake Coach Wallets: 7 Authenticity Tips, Real Gucci Handbags vs Fakes: 9 Step Gucci Authenticity Check, Know Your Louis Vuitton Handbag Collections, Harper’s Bazaar will Help You Spot a Replica, Smell the Bag Looking for a Leather Smell, Countries & Date Codes for Real Louis Vuitton Bags, Details to Find Out Before Buying a Louis Vuitton Bag Online, How to Tell a Real Louis Vuitton Bag from a Fake. Discover Louis Vuitton Speedy Bandoulière 25: The Speedy Bandoulière 25 handbag in fresh Damier Azur canvas is an ideal choice for summer in the city. Counterfeiters are now incorporating signature details into fake Louis Vuitton bags that are difficult for the untrained eye to see. Therefore, a genuine Louis Vuitton Speedy  Bag will have upside-down LV Monogram on the backside along with no seams at the bottom. How To Spot Authentic Louis Vuitton Speedy 30 Damier Azur Bag and where to find the date code!Pls. For example, on the front/back of Speedy 25 Monogram bag, there are 6 solid flowers in one row and 3 hollow + 3 LV in one row. Whether the Louis Vuitton bag is a vintage Speedy or the latest handbag confection from the brilliant mind of Marc Jacobs, a part of the purse will smell like leather if it is real. The rings connecting the handles are never round in an original piece. Established in 1999 as the world’s largest and oldest designer authentication company, My Poupette has a list of online eBay sites that sell fake designer Louis Vuitton handbags. Vuitton’s hardware is high-quality — on the fakes, hardware coating is often uneven. If you can’t tell a Speedy from a Pouchette or Epi Leather from Murakami, you’re in trouble. Louis Vuitton is a luxury brand, offering you a fine handcrafted classy bags and backpack. All items are authenticated through a rigorous process overseen by experts. Rating: 0%. Q. Counterfeiters are notorious for mix-matching styles from each collection and creating a hodge-podge handbag disaster. $252.00. After all the time you’ve spent becoming a real vs fake Louis Vuitton bag expert, you deserve to splurge on the real thing. This colour will deepen over time and may even appear almost brown. Originally created for travelers in the 1930s – the name refers to the era’s rapid transit – every feature of the Speedy’s design is iconic, from its unmistakable shape to the rolled leather handles, engraved padlock and detachable strap. Normally 99% of fakes can be spotted with just a glance, but this one was a real challenge. Most popular LV bag styles are LV Monogram Bags, LV Neverfull Bags, LV Speedy Styles, LV Damier Bags and more. Newsflash: Fake Louis Vuitton handbags, although some contain a significant portion of vinyl, do not smell like leather. This article comprises few tips and a brief guide to spotting a fake Louis Vuitton bag from the real ones, for the die-hard fans of LV Bags, who love the vintage collection, especially if it is rarer the better. 10 Fastest Ways to Reduce Pores on Face Permanently, 15 Best Tips to Get Rid of Bad body Odor Naturally | Home Remedies, Best Eyeshadow for Blue Eyes | Stunning Blue Eyes Makeup Ideas. And if you have your doubts about a particular bag, always do your research. Under $25 $25 - $50 $50 - $100 $100 - $250 $250 - $500 Over $500 type ... Louis Vuitton Favorite MM Damier Azur $2,025 $0 Size: OS Louis Vuitton leverly0610. Find out the difference and how to be your own authenticator when buying pre-loved! Discover Louis Vuitton Speedy Bandoulière 25: The Speedy Bandoulière 25 handbag in fresh Damier Azur canvas is an ideal choice for summer in the city. Launched in 1930 as the "Express" and inspired by that era's rapid transit, today’s updated Speedy remains a timeless House icon, with its singular silhouette, rolled leather handles and engraved signature padlock. Hope you enjoy our articles about handbags, purses, and clutches... […] Coach purses are knocked off as much as fake Louis Vuitton purses, you need tips to get an authentic piece of handbag history. Left: Fake Louis Vuitton Damier leather; Right: Authentic Louis Vuitton Damier leather. Feel the hardware. A. But if you’re considering a particular bag, do your research about the interior lining of the product. If you’re still willing to take a chance on an online deal sight unseen, here are the internet’s best fashion tips to spot a fake Louis Vuitton bag and where to buy real ones. The Ebene and Azur should be matte (not shiny). Check the sequence and symmetry of the monogram pattern. Is this a limited edition Louis Vuitton handbag? This date code is usually comprised of 6 characters, the first 2 characters starting from the left are letters and the rest 4 letters are numbers. has a list of fake bag sellers on eBay that you should avoid if you want a real Louis Vuitton purse and not a fake one. If a Louis Vuitton bag tag mentions”Made in China” on the inside, is it fake?  Yes, it is fake. With the rising popularity of designer handbags, there are numerous luxury handbag sellers and resellers on Facebook, … Continue reading "How to Spot a Real Louis Vuitton Bag | Real Vs. The hardware used is always brass, usually golden brass or sometimes a silvery metal. Look Closely at the Stitching Quality and Pattern: Just like everything else on a Louis Vuitton bag, … So any Neverfull in Graphite is undoubtedly a fake. In case of the fake one, the stitching is not precise and neat, plus the color of the thread is bright yellow. Their website has comparison pictures of fake Louis Vuitton bags alongside the real ones. And if so, is the dust bag authentic? So if you spot a bag which is available at a throwaway price, it is most likely to be a fake one. An authentic piece has a Louis Vuitton mark that is detailed and finely embossed. What are the different types of Louis Vuitton Bag Styles? The handles also have a burgundy trim at the edges, which also darken time.
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